Difference between revisions of "System Settings"

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m (added a capital letter to some words)
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'''Fields we recommend changing to suit your requirements are as follows'''<br />
'''Fields we recommend changing to suit your requirements are as follows'''<br />
The format of this is your Company Name followed by your address with commas separating each line.<br />
The format of this is your Company Name followed by your address with commas separating each line.<br />
'''Purchasing'''<br />
'''Purchasing'''<br />
Line 24: Line 24:
'''Auto-Booking In Email Recipients'''<br />
'''Auto-Booking In Email Recipients'''<br />
Enter the recipients to be emailed when orders are booked in automatically.<br />
Enter the recipients to be emailed when orders are booked in automatically.<br />
'''trade Customers allowed Special Offer Pricing'''<br />
'''Trade Customers allowed Special Offer Pricing'''<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
'''trade Customers allowed Quantity Break Pricing.'''<br />
'''Trade Customers allowed Quantity Break Pricing.'''<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
'''Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Group Discount'''<br />
'''Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Group Discount'''<br />
Line 32: Line 32:
'''Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discounts'''<br />
'''Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discounts'''<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
'''group Discount allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discount.'''<br />
'''Group Discount allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discount.'''<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
On for Yes, Off for No<br />
'''Email Case Reports to Customers'''<br />
'''Email Case Reports to Customers'''<br />

Revision as of 10:01, 1 October 2021

Please Note: Modifying anything in this section without the required training / knowledge can cause irreparable damage to your system!

Fields we recommend changing to suit your requirements are as follows
The format of this is your Company Name followed by your address with commas separating each line.
This is the email address used for purchasing
Default Delivery Method
This is the default delivery method.
Delivery Note Recipient Emails
Recipients to be separated using commas to be told when orders have been released.
Customer Services Email Address
Set the email addressed used for templates and messages referencing the email address for Customer Services.
Credit Control Email Address
Set the email address used for templates and messages referencing the email address for Credit Control.
No-Reply Email Address
Set the email address used for templates and messages referencing the email address for No-Replies.
Licence Currency and Licence Currency Symbol
Your default Licence Currency and Symbol.
Pricing Decimal Places
He system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.
Stock Decimal Places
The system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.
Auto-Booking In Email Recipients
Enter the recipients to be emailed when orders are booked in automatically.
Trade Customers allowed Special Offer Pricing
On for Yes, Off for No
Trade Customers allowed Quantity Break Pricing.
On for Yes, Off for No
Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Group Discount
On for Yes, Off for No
Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discounts
On for Yes, Off for No
Group Discount allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discount.
On for Yes, Off for No
Email Case Reports to Customers
On for Yes, Off for No
Send Order Confirmations to Customers
On for Yes, Off for No
Invoice Email Address
Email to send Invoices "From"
Company Name.
Main website, as www.spitfire-ams.co.uk (no http/https)
Phone Number
Facebook URL
Twitter URL
Google+ URL
Returns URL
Returns URL, as www.spitfire-ams.co.uk (no http/https)
Returns Surcharge
Inclusive of VAT
Licence Delivery Address
The format of this is your Company Name followed by your address with commas separating each line.
Returns Email From
Email address to send returns from
Automatically Email Invoices
On for Yes, Off for No
Email(s) to send the daily Agent Report to.
Separated by Commas.
email Order Confirmations Automatically
On for Yes, Off for No
Building Name
POS Receipt Header Message
Header Message to appear at the top of receipts (strict HTML allowed)
POS Message 1
Message 1 will appear at the designated template point on the POS receipt.
POS Message 2
Message 2 will appear at the designated template point on the POS receipt.
Password Expiry (Days)
Days in which to force operators to change their passwords.
Licence ISO Code
Licence Country
Licence Postcode
Licence Street Name
Licence Town
Licence County
Licence Locality (Address Line 2)
Stock Decimal Places to display in Customer Area
The system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.
Price Decimal Places to display in Customer Area
The system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.
Days in which to release orders.
Full Days separated by commas in order to release orders.
Days to automatically book-in supplier delivery notes.
Full Days separated by commas in order to book-in supplier delivery notes.
Returns Return Value Limit
This is the limit at which an order MUST be sent back to us through the returns system.
Returns Minimum Freepost Charge
This is the minimum re-stocking fee for a customer-fault return and providing them with a freepost label or collection.
Send Packing Report to these email addresses
Separate email addresses with a comma and make sure there are no spaces.
Send Case Reports to these email addresses.
Separate emails with commas and make sure there are no spaces.
PayPal Email Address
Auto-approve Invoices
On for yes, Off for No
Trade Email Address
Email Address for Generic Trade Orders.
VAT Number
VAT Description
Change this to either "VAT" or "GST" as per the description used in your Country.
Points System Active
On for Yes, Off for No
Points Expire After Days
Amount of Days (whole numbers)
Points per Value
Default 1.00
Points earnt per Value
Default 1 point
Points Value
Default 0.01 (1p)
Points Redeemed Ex VAT
On for Yes, Off for No
Points Earnt Ex VAT
On for Yes, Off for No
Referral Points to Earn
The amount of referral points to earn when hitting the spend (inc VAT) amount.
Referral Spend Threshold
Referral Spend Threshold required to hit in order to earn referral points.
Trade Accounts allowed Loyalty Points
On for Yes, Off for No
Authority to Leave Option Available on Delivery methods
On for Yes, Off for No
Once confirm press submit changes