Difference between revisions of "Create Stock (includes Editing Stock)"

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(Major update to finish as much of this page as possible.)
Line 312: Line 312:
'''Box Quantity'''<br />
'''Box Quantity'''<br />
Specify the Quantity of items that are in the box of the Product.
Specify the Quantity of items that are in the box of the Product.
'''Bag Quantity'''<br />
Specify the Quantity of items that are in a bag of the Product.
'''Cycle Time (seconds)'''<br />
'''Cycle Time (seconds)'''<br />
Line 351: Line 354:
'''Job Type'''<br />
'''Job Type'''<br />
Specify which Job Type applies to the Product here.
Specify which Job Type applies to the Product here.
'''Second Op Details'''<br />
Specify details of the Secondary Operation here.
'''Change Insert/s Required'''<br />
'''Change Insert/s Required'''<br />

Revision as of 20:42, 16 February 2021

This section will cover the creating and editing of stock records. The sections below relate to the tabs available. Some tabs will not be shown when creating a Stock Record.

Main (Creating & Editing)

This is where the main stock details can be filled in for the product.

Stock Type
Specify here what type of product the Stock is.

Automatically Create SKU Create only
If you would like Spitfire to create a SKU for you, set this to yes and leave SKU blank

SKU Required unless Automatically Create SKU is set to yes
Specify what you would like the SKU of the product to be. Leave blank if Automatically Create SKU is set to yes.

Alternative SKU
Specify if the product has an Alternative SKU, for example if the supplier it is purchased from has their own different SKU.

Name Required
Specify the name of the product here.

Manufacturer Required
Specify the Manufacturer of the product here.

Weight (g) (per single impression)
Specify the weight - in grams - of a single impression of the product here. Can be left blank.

Specify the Height - in millimetres - of the product here. Can be left blank.

Depth / Width
Specify the Depth / Width - in millimetres - of the product here. Can be left blank.

Specify the Depth / Width - in millimetres - of the product here. Can be left blank.

Is this product Dangerous or Hazardous?
If the product is Dangerous or Hazardous, set this to yes. Spitfire will show warnings when this product is used to help protect the team.

Override Delivery Method where this Stock Record is present to
If this product requires a different Delivery Method due to size/weight/etc, specify which Method is required here.

Measurement Weight (if not using g/kg)
If the product is measured in boxes/pallets/etc, specify this here.

If the product has a barcode, specify it here. This will allow your team to be able to locate the product on Spitfire by scanning or typing the barcode into the Stock/Warehouse search system.

This can be ignored.

Product Group
Specify which Product Group the product belongs to here.

To make the product appear and be useable on Spitfire, ensure that this is set to yes. Setting it to no will not allow the product to be used in orders and not show up on searches unless Include Inactive Stock is selected.

Reserved for Customer
You can specify if this item is for a single customer only, so only that customer can see and order the item.

Created Editing only
This will tell you what date the Stock Record was created. It can not be edited.

Modified Editing only
This will tell you what date the Stock Record was last Modified. It can not be edited.

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Either choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Pricing (Creating & Editing)

This is where you can enter all the pricing information for the product. Please note that Special Offers and Quantity Break Pricing can be setup once the Stock Record has been created.

VAT Rate
Specify the product's VAT rate here. Spitfire will automatically add this to the product's price.

If the product has an RRP, specify it here.

Selling Price Required
Specify the Ex VAT of the standard Selling Price you would like to sell the item for here. Spitfire will automatically add the 'VAT Rate' specified above to the amount.

Trade Price Required if you have Trade Accounts
Specify the Ex VAT of the Trade Selling Price you would like to sell the item for here. Spitfire will automatically add the 'VAT Rate' specified above to the amount.

Exclude from Purchasing
If Spitfire should not add this item to the Purchasing system, set this to yes.

Amazon Price
If you're using Amazon, specify the Price you want shown on that platform here.

Lowest Cost Editing Only

Highest Cost Editing Only

Preferred Supplier Cost Editing Only

Moulding Cost Manufacturing Only
Specify the cost of the Moulding of the product here, if applicable.

Insert Cost Manufacturing Only
Specify the cost of the Insert of the product here, if applicable.

Current Cost
Specify the Current Cost of the item here.

Retail Cost Markup
Specify here what you would like the markup, as a percentage, to be. When automatically pricing your stock up, Spitfire will add this to the price of the item presented to a logged in Retail customer.

Trade Cost Markup
Specify here what you would like the markup, as a percentage, to be. When automatically pricing your stock up, Spitfire will add this to the price of the item presented to a logged in Trade customer.

Allow Group Discounts
If the product can have Group Discount applied to it, set this to yes.

Allow Customer Discounts
If the product can have Customer Discounts applied to it, set this to yes.

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Either choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Stock (Creating & Editing)

Stock Levels (Editing Only)

This provides you with some up-to-date information on the Stock Levels of the Stock Record as of the time the page had loaded.

Stock Purchasing Options (Creating & Editing)

Re-Order Below
When Stock of this product reaches below this number, an order is automatically created to order Re-order Quantity in. This can be used to try to ensure that more stock comes in before you run out of the product.

Re-Order Quantity
This is how many of the product will be ordered when the stock of the product reaches lower than the amount in Re-Order Below.

Send Stock Item Direct
If this product needs to be sent direct to a customer from a supplier, set this to yes.

Send Direct if Order contains more than this quantity
If you want to make it so that if x amount of a product is ordered it goes direct, specify that number here. Spitfire will automatically create a direct order if the order number reaches this number.

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Either choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Details (Creating & Editing)

Stock Description
Use this box to enter a detailed description about the product that will appear below the product image. There is no size limit.

Short Description
Use this box to enter a short, to-the-point description of the product that will appear to the right of the product image.

Use this box to enter product Specifications that will be shown next to the Stock Description.

Stock Notes
Use this box to enter internal private notes for this Product. Customers will not see these notes.

Site Meta Title
Use this box to enter what will appear as the title of the page. This is normally used for SEO purposes.

Site Meta Description
Use this box to enter a small description of the Product for SEO purposes.

Site Meta Keywords
Use this box to enter a list of keywords for SEO purposes.

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Either choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Web (Creating & Editing)

This section covers all of the options available for the "Web" tab on the Stock Record.


Active on Website
Change this to Green to display on own website, or red to hide it. This doesn't control Amazon/eBay Marketplaces.

Featured on External Website
For External e-Commerce Sites (Currently Magento) which support it, setting this to green will set this record as a "Featured" item.

Display Priority on Website
The higher the number, the higher it will appear in search results on a Spitfire e-Commerce Website.

Pricing on Sites (Maintenance
Here you can view/delete pricing for specific sites/marketplaces.

Pricing on Sites (Create)

  • Assign to Site
  • Select the Site to assign a price against.
  • Price for Site
  • Set the price to assign to the specified Site (excluding VAT).


Publish to Amazon
There is a dropdown box with three options here:

  • Do Not Publish - Do not publish this record to Amazon. Note: If you have previously submitted this product to Amazon, and select this option, then whatever price/stock levels are currently on Amazon will remain there.
  • Publish Full Stock - Setting this option will publish the item on Amazon with full stock.
  • Publish Zero Stock - Setting this option will publish the item on Amazon with zero stock. Use this option if you have previously published the stock/price to Amazon and wish to temporarily zero the stock.


Publish to eBay
There is a dropdown box with three options here:

  • Do Not Publish - Do not publish this record to eBay. Note: If you have previously submitted this product to eBay, and select this option, then whatever price/stock levels are currently on eBay will remain there.
  • Publish Full Stock - Setting this option will publish the item on eBay with full stock.
  • Publish Zero Stock - Setting this option will publish the item on eBay with zero stock. Use this option if you have previously published the stock/price to eBay and wish to temporarily zero the stock.

eBay Set Price

eBay Uplift Price

eBay Uplift Percentage

eBay Variation Group ID

eBay Variation Names 1 through 5

eBay Variation Value 1 through 5

Spitfire EC

  • Promote Stock Record - Only the relevant Spitfire e-Commerce sites will be listed. There are then the following sections available for promoting products (some bespoke websites will have different names for these sections, so please refer to Support if selecting the options do not yield the desired results).
    1. Best Sellers
    2. New Arrivals
    3. Top Rated
    4. Featured Products
    5. Top Deals
  • Assign to Site Categories
    • By default, the Category the Stock Record is displayed in is derived from the Stock Group it is in. You can use this option to display Stock Records in more than one Category.
    • The layout is "Name Of Site: Name of Category".

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Either choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Data (Creating & Editing)

Sourceable from Suppliers Editing Only
This will show if the Stock can be sourced from suppliers. It is set by and can only be changed by the system.

Requested Data from Supplier Editing Only
If you or Spitfire have requested data for this item, this will show as yes. It is set by and can only be changed by the system.

Currently Updating from Price Feed Editing Only
If Spitfire is currently updating its pricing feed for this Stock Record, this will show as Yes. It is set by and can only be changed by the system.

OpenRange ID
If you have it, you can put the OpenRange ID of the item here.

Do Not Update Cost on Import
If you have Spitfire set up to import the product cost automatically, setting this to yes will make Spitfire ignore any Cost changes.

Do Not Update Price on Import
If you have Spitfire set up to import the product cost automatically, setting this to yes will make Spitfire not change the Price of the product if the cost changes.

VOW Reference
If you have it, you can put the VOW Reference of the item here.

JH Reference
If you have it, you can put the JH Reference of the item here.

EC Commodity
If you have it, you can put the EC Commodity of the item here.

If you have it, you can put the BOSS Code of the item here.

Manufacturers SKU
Specify the Manufacturers SKU here.

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Either choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Packs (Creating Only)

Do not automatically update Pack Stock Levels
Set this to yes to have Spitfire not update the stock level of this Pack when it is purchased. This is useful for something you know you will never run out of.

Pack Overhead Cost
Specify the Pack Overhead Cost here.

Explode Items on Invoice
Set this to yes to make Spitfire to show the items in the pack on the Invoice.

Explode Items on Order
Set this to yes to make Spitfire to show the items in the pack on the Order Confirmation.

Explode Items on Delivery Note
Set this to yes to make Spitfire to show the items in the pack on the Delivery Note.

Please note: You will be able to add items to the pack once the stock record has been created and added to Spitfire's database.

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Either choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Manufacturing (Manufacturing Only - Creating & Editing)

Box Quantity
Specify the Quantity of items that are in the box of the Product.

Bag Quantity
Specify the Quantity of items that are in a bag of the Product.

Cycle Time (seconds)

Scrap Percentage

Sprue Weight Per Cavity

Tool Setup Time




Lead Time


Tool Last Run Date

Specify the colour of the product here.

Golden Sample Location

Job Type
Specify which Job Type applies to the Product here.

Second Op Details
Specify details of the Secondary Operation here.

Change Insert/s Required

Assign to Machine Create Only
Specify which Machine the Product should be assigned to. Once the Stock Record has been created, you can assign the Product to multiple Machines if required.

This Stock Record is assigned to the following Machines: (Editing Only)

Spitfire will list which machines are assigned to the Stock Record here. You can add and remove Machines if required.

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Next Button button at the bottom right side of the page to show the next step.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Please choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Resources (Manufacturing & Editing Only)

Bins (Editing Only)


Attributes (Editing Only)

Stock Attributes


Assign New Stock Attribute

Attribute Value

Is this Attribute Value Active?

Admin (Creating & Editing)

Send Purchasing Notification on Order Entry
If you would like Spitfire to send a Purchasing Notification when an Order has been entered, set this to yes.

Special Order Item
If the Product is a Special Order Item, set this to yes.

Restricted to Administrators only
If you would only like Administrators to be able to see and use this Product, set this to yes.

Restricted to Managers and above only
If you would only like Managers and above to be able to see and use this Product, set this to yes.

Attach SKU to Delivery Notes
If you would like Spitfire to attach the SKU to the Delivery Notes, set this to yes.

Attach Quantity of SKU to Delivery Notes
If you would like Spitfire to attach the quantity of the SKU to the Delivery Notes, set this to yes.

Label Printer

If you're creating a new Stock Record: Once all fields are filled in correctly, click the Finish Button button at the bottom right side of the page to complete adding a new stock record to Spitfire and save the details to Spitfire's Database. This will then take you to the page where you can make further edits for the Stock Record.

If you're editing a Stock Record: Please choose another tab at the top of the page to edit, or if you've finished making your edits, click the Update Record Button button at the bottom right side of the page.

Batch Details (Editing Only)


Supplier Pricing (Editing Only)


Images (Creating & Editing)


Barcodes (Creating & Editing)

Barcodes / EANs

Barcode Creating Only
You can enter the barcode of the item here. You can add more barcodes, if required, once the Stock Record has been created.

Barcode / EAN Editing Only
If you entered a barcode when creating the Stock Record, it will show here. You can add or delete barcodes for the Stock Record here, which if scanned, will bring the item up on Spitfire for ease of use.

Special Pricing (Editing Only)


Qty Pricing (Editing Only)


Category Pricing (Editing Only)


Reviews (Editing Only)