Back Orders not Required
Back Orders Not Required Report
In This Section
This section will cover viewing back orders not required reports, lookup stock and purchase order maintenance.
Searching and Viewing
To search for a back order not required report, type in a complete or partial SKU, or a complete or partial description.
This will bring up all relevant back order not required reports.
The following information will be displayed: SKU, Description, Stock on Hand levels, Allocated units, Back Orders, units On Order, Cancel BO and POs to Cancel.
Lookup Stock
Press the SKU button, on the results of the supplier back order not required report, to be direct to the lookup stock for the relevant SKU.
Alternatively, you can search by SKU or barcode using the search bar at the top of the page.
To produce an exact match for the SKU or barcode select Green for Yes or for No select Red
Press the button to search according to the SKU or barcode that has been entered.
Maintain Stock Record
Stock Levels
This will provide the location of the stock on record.
This will provide the bin of the stock on record.
On Hand
This will display the number of units on hand.
This will display the number of units allocated.
Stock details
Selling Price
This will display the current selling price of the stock record, in the the specified currency, to four decimal places. If the given price is exclusive of VAT then Ex VAT will be shown next to the price.
This will display the SKU of the stock record.
Alternative SKU
This will display the alternative SKU associated with the stock record.
Free Stock
This will display the number of free stock units. This will be reduced by allocated orders.
Job Cards Outstanding
This will display the number of job cards outstanding.
Allocated to Job Cards
This will display the number of units allocated to job cards.
On Order
This will display the number of units on order.
Purchase Orders
This will display the purchase orders associated with the stock record. If you press the button you will be directed to Purchase Order Maintenance which will be explained in the following section.
Allocated To Orders
This will display the number of units allocated to job cards.
Delivery Note Produced
This will display the delivery notes produced, but not scanned.
Back Orders
This will display the back order details for stock record.
Outstanding Job Cards
This will display any outstanding job cards for the stock record.
Allocated to Job Cards
This will display any allocated job cards for the stock record.
Purchase Order Maintenance
To be directed to the purchase order maintenance section press the button, under the POs to cancel heading.
This will display the supplier name of the SKU on the purchase order.
Deliver To
This will display the delivery address of the purchase order.
You will have the option to
for the purchase order.
Book In
Press the button to book in the purchase order. If there is already goods in stated against the purchase order you will have to resume with this before proceeding.
View PDF
Press the button to view the purchase order as a PDF.
Download CSV
Press the button to download the purchase order.
Our Ref
This will display our reference of the purchase order.
Supplier Reference
This will display the supplier reference of the purchase order.
Date Ordered
This will display the date that the purchase order was created.
Due Date
This will display the due date of the purchase order.
Displayed here is the quantity of each SKU on the purchase order.
Displayed here are the different SKUs on the purchase order.
Supplier SKU
This will display the supplier SKU on the purchase order, if different to the SKU.
This will display the description of the items on the purchase order.
This will display the cost of each item on the purchase order. This will be displayed in the given currency to four decimal places.
This will display the number of units that have been delivered.
This will display the number of units outstanding.
Booked In
This will display the number of units booked in.
Press the button to delete the selected SKU from the purchase order. Use with caution.
Sub Total
This will display the subtotal of the purchase order.
This will display the total delivery cost of the purchase order.
This will display the VAT total of the order.
Grand Total
This will display the combined total of the Sub Total, Delivery and the VAT.
Our Reference
This will display our reference of the purchase order.
Suppliers Reference
This will display the suppliers reference.
Suppliers Location
This will display the supplier location.
Order Date
This will display the date that the order was created.
Due Date
This will display the due date of the order.
Order Cancelled
This will display if the order has been cancelled.
Order Complete
This will display if the order is complete or not.
EDI Order
This will display if the order is an EDI order or not.
PO Approved
This will display if the purchase order is approved or not.
Order No
This will display the order number for direct orders.
Sent Direct via Supplier
This will display if the order is being sent direct via the supplier.
EDI Acknowledgement Received
This will display the date at which the EDI acknowledgement was received. This will be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
Import date
This will display the import date. This will be given in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
Pick, Wrap and Label?
This will display if pick, wrap and label has been selected.
Cancellation Reason
This will display if the order has been cancelled and for what reason.
EDI XML Produced
This will display if an EDI XML has been produced or not.
Order currently being created
This will display if the order is currently being created.
Files Relating to this Purchase Order
If there are any files relating to this purchase order they will be displayed here. The following information will be given: File Type, Generated date, Sent/Received date, File Name and Information.
Goods In History
If there are any goods in history reports associated with this purchase order they will be displayed here. The following information will be given: Date created, Operator, Booked In status, Details of how any items and from how may lines, and Action which will be the option to view good in history report as a PDF.