How to book in a Purchase Order
Enter Product Code, Supplier Reference or Scan Barcode - This is were you would enter the barcode of the product that you require.
Quantity - Enter the amount that you require.
Supplier - This is where the name of the supplier will be.
Deliver To - This will be were the goods will be delivered to.
Our SKU - This is the SKU number of the product.
Sup. SKU - This is the Supplier SKU.
Description - This is a description of the product that they have ordered.
Ordered - This is the amount of products that have been ordered.
Delivered - This is the amount of goods that have already been delivered.
Outstanding - This is the amount of goods that is outstanding that is due to be delivered.
This Receipt - This is the number of receipts there are.
Batch Number - This is the batch number of the items.
Location - This is the location of the goods in the warehouse.
Action - This is if you wanna receive the line in full.
Once you have completed all the above sections click save and commit.