My Dashboard

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Revision as of 13:29, 22 January 2021 by Ncroker (talk | contribs) (O/S Deliveries)
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Depending on your access level and system setup, you will see a combination of the following widgets:

  • Todays Deliveries
    • Main Value: This is how many deliveries have been scanned today, excluding Direct Deliveries and Van Route Deliveries.
    • Directs: This is how many deliveries have been sent via Direct Delivery (to Suppliers) today.
    • Van: This is how many deliveries have been scanned today for the Van Routes.
    O/S Deliveries (Outstanding Deliveries)
    • Main Value: This is how many deliveries that have been printed ready for picking/packing.
    • Queued: This is how many deliveries which have been produced but not yet printed.
    • Details: This link takes you to the Delivery Monitor to show the Outstanding (including Queued) Deliveries.
    Orders This Month
    Total Cases
    Orders Waiting Payment
    Orders On Hold
    Negative Margin Hold
    Incomplete Address Hold
    Amazon Hold
    Min Order Hold
    Orders On Credit Hold
    Outstanding Lines
    Invoiced This Month
    Outstanding Quotes
    P/Os for Approval
    Outstanding P/Os
    Special Orders
    Todays Call Backs
    My Orders Today
    My Orders This Month
    My Outstanding Lines
    My Outstanding Quotes
    My Cases
    Open Shopping Carts (one per Spitfire e-Commerce Site Setup)