How do I setup Stock for MRP?
This is probably one of the most complicated parts of the system. However, setup correctly, everything will run smoothly.
Understanding the Job Card
- Before we create the Stock Records, we need to understand how their settings contribute to the resulting Job Card, so first of all, we must understand the Job Card.
Header Details
- Job Card No
- This field is nice and simple, it's the Numeric value given to the Job Card by the system.
- Tool No
- This field is drawn from the "Tool" assigned to the Product being made in this Job Card.
- Tool Location
- This field is drawn from the "Tool Stock Record", using the "Default Bin" for it.
- C/Insert Rqd (Change Insert Required)
- This field is drawn from the Product being made in this Job Card, Manufacturing tab -> "Change Insert/s Required" -> Yes/No
- C/Insert No (Change Insert Number)
- If the "C/Insert Rqd" field is "Yes", then the SKU is pulled from the Manufacturing tab -> "Change Insert/s Required" -> SKU.
- Machine
- This field is drawn from the Machines assigned to the Stock Record from the Manufacturing tab -> "This Stock Record is assigned to the following Machines" section.
- Linked Job Cards
- If the Product is also a "Pack", it grabs the associated Job Numbers from the rest of the items which make up a pack.
- If the Product is part of a "Pack", it grabs the associated "Master Product" and displays that Job Number as well.
- Golden Sample Location
- This field is drawn from the Product being made in this Job Card, Manufacturing tab -> "Golden Sample Location"
- Image
- If there is an image uploaded to the stock record, this will be used here.
Job Details
- Customer
- This field is pulled from the "Company Name" on the Customer Record.
- Customer PO Number
- This field is pulled from the "Customers PO Reference" on the original Order under the "Payment" tab.
- Quantity Required
- This field is pulled from the Job Card itself.
- Raised Date
- This field is pulled from the Job Card itself.
- Raised By
- This field is pulled from the original order, using the operator which placed the order.
- Required By Date
- This field is pulled from the "Date Required" on the original order line.
- Our SKU
- This field is pulled from the "Our SKU" field on the Stock Record, under the "Main" tab.
- Customer SKU
- This field is pulled from the "Alternative SKU" field on the Stock Record, under the "Main" tab.
- Part Name
- This field is pulled from the "Name" field on the Stock Record, under the "Main" tab.
- Impressions
- This field is pulled from the "Impressions (whole numbers only)" field on the Stock Record, under the "Manufacturing" tab.
- Job Type
- This field is pulled from the "Job Type" field on the Stock Record, under the "Manufacturing" tab.
- Production Time
- This field is calculated by:
- Cycle Time multiplied by the Quantity Required.
- Scrap Percentage Added
- Divided by the Impressions (must be a whole number, larger than 0, otherwise the system will default to 1)
- Represented in Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
- This field is calculated by:
- Colour
- This field is pulled from the "Colour" field on the Stock Record, under the "Manufacturing" tab.
- Cycle Time (seconds)
- This field is pulled from the "Cycle Time (seconds)" field on the Stock Record, under the "Manufacturing" tab.
- Part Weight (g)
- This field is pulled from the "Weight (g) (per single impression)" field on the Stock Record, under the "Main" tab.
- The Job Cards converts this to a figure with 2 decimal places.
- Sprue Weight Per Cavity (g)
- This field is pulled from the "Sprue Weight Per Cavity (grams)" field on the Stock Record, under the "Manufacturing" tab.
- Scrap Percentage
- This field is pulled from the "Scrap Percentage (n.nn)" field on the Stock Record, under the "Manufacturing" tab.
Bill of Required Materials
- First of all, this section is populated with any items made up from the "Packs" tab on the Stock Record. Now for each of the items in the pack
- BOM Type
- This defaults to the type of "Pack Item".
- Our SKU
- This is the "SKU" from the Stock Record under the "Main" tab.
- Description
- This is the "Name" from the Stock Record under the "Main" tab.
- Required
- This is calculated by:
- Multiplying the "Quantity Required" from the Job Card with the "Quantity" on the "Packs" tab of the Stock Record of the Product being made in this Job Card.
- This is calculated by:
- Location
- This is the "Reference" field from the "Default Bin" on the Pack Item Stock Record under the "Bins" tab.
- Now for each Bill of Materials
- BOM Type
- This field is from the "Type Name" field under "Stock" -> "Types" where the "Stock Type" is assigned to the Product under the "Main" tab.
- Our SKU
- This is the "SKU" from the Stock Record under the "Main" tab.
- Description
- This is the "Name" from the Stock Record under the "Main" tab.
- Required
- First of all, the system calculates the "BOM Required Quantity" using the following method:
- If the BOM item "Stock Type" is a "Material" then it adds "Part Weight" to "Sprue Weight" and multiplies it by the Job Card "Quantity Required".
- For any other "Stock Type" it multiplies the BOM Quantity from the Stock Record by the Job Card "Quantity Required".
- The system then adds the Scrap Percentage (unless the BOM is Packaging, no Scrap Percentage is added to this figure).
- The system aggregates all items set as a "Material" together to form a "Material Required" quantity.
- This is calculated depending on the "Type Quantity" associated with the Stock Record on the "Main" tab.
- If it is kg or g/kg and the "BOM Required Quantity" is greater than 1,000.
- The system divides the value by 1,000, displays it to 2 decimal places and suffixes it with kg.
- If it is g or g/kg and the "BOM Required Quantity" is less than 1,000.
- The system displays it to 2 decimal places and suffixes it with g.
- If it is setup as a "Box/Bag" and the BOM Quantity (Stock Record -> BOM tab) is greater than "zero":
- The system uses the "BOM Required Quantity" to display.
- If it is setup as a "Box/Bag" and the BOM Quantity (Stock Record -> BOM tab) is less than or equal to "zero":
- The system uses the "Box Required" quantity to display, calculated by:
- Quantity Required on the Job Card divided by Box Quantity (Stock Record -> Manufacturing tab), rounded up to the nearest whole number.
- If it is setup as a "Percent" (Raw Material):
- The system calculates the value the following way:
- Material Required multiplied by the Percentage.
- Displayed as either g/kg with the appropriate conversion calculation.
- For any other reason:
- The system uses the "BOM Required Quantity" to display.
- First of all, the system calculates the "BOM Required Quantity" using the following method:
- Location
- This is the "Reference" field from the "Default Bin" on the Bill of Material Item Stock Record under the "Bins" tab.
This section is always blank for writing on.
Finished Item
Finished Product / Parts of Finished Item
These tend to be products/parts which make up a finished item (nuts, bolts, covers, cases, etc.)
Setting up the Stock Type (once only)
First of all, in conjunction with Types create a "Stock Type" for Products/Parts, making sure only the following options are ticked:
- Stock Type Name - "Products" (example)
- Prefix for New Records - "04" (or as per your requirements)
- Default for New Records
- Record Batch Details
- Active
- Use in BOMs?
- Measurement to Display - select "Quantity Only"
- Auto Increment on Stock Creation (if you wish for the system to create SKUs)
- Increment Padding - as per your requirements
- Available on Order Entry
Setting up the Stock Record
In conjunction with Create Stock (includes Editing Stock) create a "Stock Record" for the Product. Making sure the following options are set as a minimum:
- Main Tab:
- Stock Type: Products
- Automatically Create SKU: As required
- SKU: Only enter one if you aren't using the system generated one
- Alternative SKU: The SKU your customer will identify this product by
- Name: Name of Part / Product
- Weight: Weight per impression in grams
- Reserved for Customer (if required) - search by Company Name
- Manufacturing Tab:
- Box Quantity: How many of this item will go in a box (if it is a final product being boxed).
- Cycle Time: Cycle Time in seconds.
- Scrap Percentage: Enter the Scrap Percentage to 2 decimal places if required.
- Sprue Weight Per Cavity (grams): This is added to the Part Weight when calculating materials/etc.
- Impressions (whole numbers only): How many will all of the combined calculations make? Whole numbers only.
- Tool: As Required.
- Colour: As Required.
- Golden Sample Location: As Required.
- Job Type: As Required (Contact Support to setup additional Job Types).
- Change Insert Required: Green/Red as required.
- Change Insert SKU: As Required, search by SKU or Name of Change Insert.
After creating the Stock Record, the following will need to be entered:
- BOMs Tab:
- Raw Materials: When entering a raw material record, the "quantity" field is the percentage of the total raw materials which applies to that material. i.e. For products with a single raw material, this will always be "100.00", for multiple materials, one could be "45.00" and one could be "55.00". These values must add up to "100.00" to avoid issues with producing Job Cards.
- Masterbatch: This is entered as a percentage.
- Inserts: This is entered as a Quantity per item.
- Packaging: Enter the amount as "0" to allow the system to automatically calculate the Box Quantity.
- Parts: Enter the Quantity of Parts required to make up this item.
- Bins Tab:
- Create and Assign a Default Bin Location (available after the Stock Record has been created)
Raw Materials
Setting up the Stock Type (once only)
First of all, in conjunction with Types create a "Stock Type" for Raw Materials, making sure only the following options are ticked:
- Stock Type Name - "Raw Material - ABS" (example)
- Prefix for New Records - "01_ABS" (or as per your requirements)
- Record Batch Details
- Active
- Use in BOMs?
- Measurement to Display - select "Percentage (Grams, kg if over 1kg)"
- Auto Increment on Stock Creation (if you wish for the system to create SKUs)
- Increment Padding - as per your requirements
- Is a Raw Material?
- Available on Order Entry
Setting up the Stock Record
In conjunction with Create Stock (includes Editing Stock) create a "Stock Record" for the Raw Material. Making sure the following options are set as a minimum:
- Main Tab:
- Stock Type: Raw Material - ABS
- Name: Name of Raw Material
- Reserved for Customer (if required) - search by Company Name
- Bins Tab:
- Create and Assign a Default Bin Location (available after the Stock Record has been created)
Setting up the Stock Type (once only)
First of all, in conjunction with Types create a "Stock Type" for Masterbatch, making sure only the following options are ticked:
- Stock Type Name - "Masterbatch"
- Prefix for New Records - "01_MB" (or as per your requirements)
- Record Batch Details
- Active
- Use in BOMs?
- Measurement to Display - select "Percentage (display as g)"
- Auto Increment on Stock Creation (if you wish for the system to create SKUs)
- Increment Padding - as per your requirements
- Available on Order Entry
Setting up the Stock Record
In conjunction with Create Stock (includes Editing Stock) create a "Stock Record" for the Masterbatch. Making sure the following options are set as a minimum:
- Main Tab:
- Stock Type: Masterbatch
- Name: Name of Masterbatch
- Reserved for Customer (if required) - search by Company Name
- Bins Tab:
- Create and Assign a Default Bin Location (available after the Stock Record has been created)
Setting up the Stock Type (once only)
First of all, in conjunction with Types create a "Stock Type" for Packaging, making sure only the following options are ticked:
- Stock Type Name - "Packaging"
- Prefix for New Records - "09_PK" (or as per your requirements)
- Active
- Use in BOMs?
- Measurement to Display - select "Box/Bag Quantity"
- Auto Increment on Stock Creation (if you wish for the system to create SKUs)
- Increment Padding - as per your requirements
- Available on Order Entry
Setting up the Stock Record
In conjunction with Create Stock (includes Editing Stock) create a "Stock Record" for the Packaging. Making sure the following options are set as a minimum:
- Main Tab:
- Stock Type: Packaging
- Name: Name of Packaging (e.g. "Small Box")
- Reserved for Customer (if required) - search by Company Name
- Bins Tab:
- Create and Assign a Default Bin Location (available after the Stock Record has been created)
Setting up the Stock Type (once only)
First of all, in conjunction with Types create a "Stock Type" for Tools, making sure only the following options are ticked:
- Stock Type Name - "Tools"
- Prefix for New Records - "03_T" (or as per your requirements)
- Is a Tool Record?
- Active
- Measurement to Display - Quantity Only
- Auto Increment on Stock Creation (if you wish for the system to create SKUs)
- Increment Padding - as per your requirements
- Available on Order Entry
Setting up the Stock Record
In conjunction with Create Stock (includes Editing Stock) create a "Stock Record" for a tool. Making sure the following options are set as a minimum:
- Main Tab:
- Stock Type: Tools
- Name: Name of Tool
- Reserved for Customer (if required) - search by Company Name
- Resources Tab:
- Setup Time (seconds): if applicable
- Tool Last Run Date: if applicable
- Assign this Tool to the following Resources - assign to any relevant machines.
- Bins Tab:
- Create and Assign a Default Bin Location (available after the Stock Record has been created)
Setting up the Stock Type (once only)
First of all, in conjunction with Types create a "Stock Type" for Machines, making sure only the following options are ticked:
- Stock Type Name - "Machines"
- Prefix for New Records - "MAC" (or as per your requirements)
- Active
- Is a Machine / Resource?
- Use in BOMs?
- Measurement to Display - Quantity Only
- Auto Increment on Stock Creation (if you wish for the system to create SKUs)
- Increment Padding - as per your requirements
- Available on Order Entry
Setting up the Stock Record
In conjunction with Create Stock (includes Editing Stock) create a "Stock Record" for a machine. Making sure the following options are set as a minimum:
- Main Tab:
- Stock Type: Machines
- Name: Name of Machine
- Resources Tab:
- Assign any relevant Tools to this Machine as required (you can also do this from the Tool Stock Record).