Create Supplier (includes Edit Supplier)

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Details Tab

Supplier Name
This is the name of the supplier to be used during Purchasing, Purchase Orders etc. Supplier Category
The category to be given to this supplier for various reports in the system. Ignore Supplier for Click/Collects and POS Orders
Set to green if you do not wish to use this supplier for Click & Collect Orders or Point of Sale Orders. Preferred Supplier
Set to green if this supplier is a preferred supplier and will be used over other suppliers with the same price when ordering. Supplier Active
Set to green if this supplier is currently active. Packaging-only Supplier
Set to green if this supplier is purely a packaging supplier, if set then this supplier will be ignored during the main Shopping List, and only used during the Packaging Shopping List. Allow Direct Orders
Set to green if this supplier sends orders on your behalf. Purchase Orders must always be approved
Set to green if all Purchase Orders must be approved before they are sent via EDI. Show on Stores Page on Website
Set to green if this Supplier (or Store if your website is setup with a Store Locator) will appear on the Store Locator page on your website. Phone Number
Numbers only. Fax Number
Numbers only. Contact Name
This is the Contact Name for the Supplier (usually the sales contact), but also the "Owners Name" for the Store Locator facility on your website. Contact Email
The contact email address for this supplier (also used for the Store Locator) Base Lead Time (Days)
The lead time for the supplier to deliver orders to you, default is 1 day. Supplier Notes
Any internal notes for the supplier. Opening Hours
The opening hours of the supplier. This is also used for the Store Locator and HTML can be used here.

Address Tab

This tab contains various address details, and can also store the Latitude and Longitude values which can be used for internal use, or if your site uses a store finder.

Credit Control Tab

Direct Ship Cost
Default Purchase Code
Default Currency
Accounts Email/s
Accounts Contact
Sage Shortname
Account Number
Credit Limit
Terms (Days)
Terms Option
Bank Account No
Bank Sort Code
VAT/GST Number

Purchasing / EDI Tab

Minimum Order Value
EDI Ordering Active
EDI Invoices Active
EDI Back Orders Active
Email Address for Non-EDI Suppliers
Supplier Locations
Default Web Category for Imported Stock
Default Product Group for Imported Stock
Default Supplier Location for Orders
Supplier Location for Direct Orders
Default Delivery Type for EDI Orders
Auto Purchasing Active?
Days to Purchase on
Hours to Purchase from
Hours to Purchase to
Postcode Coverage

Data Feed Tab

Stock File Last Updated (not shown when creating)
Price File Last Updated (not shown when creating)
Exclude Supplier Stock from Stock Calculations
Data Feed Active
Auto-Create Stock Records
Auto-Create Price List Records
Distributor File
Use SITC For Feed

Price List Tab (not shown when creating)

This tab shows all of the price list entries setup for this supplier and the relevant actions for each one.

Returns Tab

Returns Priority
Maximum Days to Return
Returns Email Address
Re-Stocking Fee
Auto-Email Returns on the following Days
Return Company Name
Return Address Details
Return Contact Name
Return Phone No
Return Delivery Method
Email Address for Notification of Shorts
Email Address for Cancellation of Back Orders
Back Order Import Format
Reminder Contact Name
Reminder Email Address

Categories Tab (not shown when creating)

This tab allows you to specify if this supplier is available to certain Customer Categories or not.