Contact Management

From Skynet Software Wiki
Revision as of 14:25, 15 September 2021 by Sbenney (talk | contribs) (bold text added and tidy up)
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List Contacts

  • This is the default view, and lists all of the contact with the relevant details shown.

Create New Contact (and Edit an existing one)

Name Tab

  • You can enter the relevant details for the contact on this tab.

Contact Details Tab

  • From this tab you can set the details for the customer and any internal "Contact Notes".

The password is not shown (and is not retrievable by support) - but this option allows you to change it.

Access Tab

  • This section allows you set anything the customer is allowed access to ===(Green)===.
  • Default options can only have one contact set against them, so setting them to "Green" will set any others to "Red".
  • Invoices, Credits, Statements and Shipment Notifications can have multiple contacts setup against them.

Marketing Tab

  • From here you can subscribe the customers to any relevant marketing groups. The "Declines Mailshots" overrides any options set here.

Delete Contact

  • This button will delete the contact from the account.

Return to Customer Details

  • This button will take you back to the customer account.