List Suppliers
List Suppliers
This section will cover viewing suppliers, editing details, creating a new order, viewing price list, viewing order list and the option to pay supplier.
Viewing Supplier
When you click on the List Supplier section, all relevant suppliers will be displayed.
Suppliers can be ordered by Supplier name, Category type, Stock Last Updated, Price Last Updated, number of Total Products, number of In Stock Products, number of Unassigned Products, number of Lotions, Contact Name, and Phone Number.
Editing Details
To edit the suppliers details click on the supplier name and select edit from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the Supplier Management section.
Under the tab a list of the supplier details that can be modified will appear.
Supplier Name
Enter here if you wish to modify the supplier name.
Supplier Category
Enter here if you are updating the supplier category.
Ignore Supplier for Click/Collect and POS Orders
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Preferred Supplier
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Supplier Active
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Packaging-only Supplier
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Allow Direct Orders
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Purchase Orders much always be approved
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Show on Stores Page on Website
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Default on Stores Page on Website
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Phone Number
Enter here if you are updating the supplier phone number.
Fax Number
Enter here if you are updating the supplier fax number.
Contact Name
Enter here if you are updating the supplier contact name.
Contact Email
Enter here if you are updating the supplier contact email.
Base Lead Time (Days)
Enter here if you are updating the base lead time. Record this value in number of days.
Supplier Notes
Enter here if you are updating the supplier notes.
Opening Hours
enter here if you are updating the supplier opening hours.
Stores Message
Enter here if you are updating the supplier stores message.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the tab a list of the supplier address details that can be modified will appear.
Address Line 1
Enter here if you are updating the first line of the supplier address.
Address Line 2
Enter here if you are updating the second line of the supplier address.
Note that not all addresses have a second line, so this can be left blank.
Enter here if you are updating the town or city of the supplier address.
Enter here if you are updating the county of the supplier address.
Postal Code
Enter here if you are updating the postal code of the suppler address.
Enter here if you are updating the country of the supplier address.
Enter here if you are updating the latitude of the supplier address.
Enter here if you are updating the longitude of the supplier address.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Credit Control
Under the tab a list of the supplier credit control details that can be modified will appear.
Direct Ship Cost (£)
Enter here if you are updating the direct ship cost for the supplier. This value will be recorded to four decimal places.
Default Purchase Code
Enter here if you are updating the default purchase code for the supplier.
Default Currency
Enter here if you are updating the name of the default currency for the supplier. Eg. Great British Pound (GBP).
Accounts Email/s
Enter here if you are updating the accounts email for the supplier.
For multiple emails, use a comma to separate them.
Accounts Contact
Enter here if you are updating the accounts contact for the supplier.
Sage Shortname
Enter here if you are updating the sage shortname for the supplier.
Account Number
Enter here if you are updating the account number details for the suppler.
Credit Limit
Enter here if you are updating the credit limit for the supplier. The appropriate currency will be displayed. This should be recorded to four decimal places.
Term (Days)
Enter here if you are updating the credit term for the supplier. This should be recorded in days, as a whole number.
Terms Option
Enter here if you are updating the term options for the supplier. Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Bank Account No
Enter here if you are updating the bank account number for the supplier.
Bank Sort Code
Enter here if you are updating the sort code for the supplier.
VAT Number
Enter here if you are updating the VAT number for the supplier.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the tab a list of the supplier purchasing and EDI details that can be modified will appear.
Minimum Order Value
Enter here if you are updating the minimum order value for the supplier. The appropriate currency will appear. This should be recorded to four decimal places.
EDI Ordering Active
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
EDI Invoice Active
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
EDI Back Orders Active
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Email Address for Non-EDI Suppliers
Enter here if you are updating the email address for non-EDI suppliers.
Supplier Locations
Enter here if you are updating the supplier locations details.
Default Web Category for Imported Stock
Enter here if you are updating the default web category for imported stock.
Default Product Group for Imported Stock
if you are updating the default product group for imported stock, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Default Supplier Location for Orders
Enter here if you are updating the default supplier location for orders.
Supplier Location for Direct Orders
Enter here if you are updating the supplier location for direct orders.
Default Delivery Type for EDI orders
Enter here if you are updating the default delivery type for EDI orders.
Automatic Purchasing Active
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Postcode Coverage
Enter here if you are updating the postcode coverage.
Separate multiple postcodes by commas.
Days to Purchase on
Enter here if you are updating the days to purchase. Days must be input fully. Eg. Monday.
Separate multiple days by commas.
Hours to Purchase from
Enter here if you are updating the hours to purchase from. This should be recorded in the format of HH:MM:SS.
Hours to Purchase to
Enter here if you are updating the hours to purchase to. This should be recorded in the format of HH:MM:SS.
'Secondary Automatic Purchasing
If you wish to purchase at separate times/days for this supplier as well as the above, please enter the details here.
Days to Purchase on
Enter here if you are updating the days to purchase on. Days must be input fully. Eg. Monday.
Separate multiple days by commas.
Hours to Purchase from
Enter here if you are updating the hours to purchase from. This should be recorded in the format of HH:MM:SS.
Hours to Purchase to
Enter here if you are updating the hours to purchase to. This should be recorded in the format of HH:MM:SS.
Automatic Book in During
Enter here if you are updating the automatic book in during hours. This should be recorded in the format of HH:MM:SS.
24hr times separated by commands (e.g. 2300,0600 or just 0700)
Automatically Book-In using EDI Acknowledgements on Day of Delivery
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Automatically Book-In using EDI Delivery Notes
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Data Feed
Under the tab a list of the supplier data feed details that can be modified will appear.
Stock File Last Updated
The date at which the stock file was last updated is displayed here.
Price File Last Updated
The date at which the price file was last updated is displayed here.
Exclude Supplier Stock From Stock Calculations
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Data Feed Active
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Auto-Create Stock Records
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Auto-Create Price List Records
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Distributor File
Please refer to Support. Enter here if you are updating the distributor file.
Use SITC For Feed
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Price List
Under the tab a list of the supplier price list details that can be modified will appear.
Enter here the SKU or Supplier Reference you are searching for.
Results can be ordered by Our SKU, Supplier Reference, Supplier Location, Cost, Stock, Description, Condition and Actions.
Stock Price History
Press the button to view the stock price history.
Press the button to edit the price list entry.
Main Details
Under the tab a list of the price list entry details that can be modified will appear.
If you are updating the supplier details, select the appropriate supplier from the drop-down menu.
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Supplier Reference/SKU
Enter here if you are updating the supplier reference or SKU.
Our Reference/SKU
Enter here if you are updating our reference or SKU.
Note that this stock record must exist.
Product Name
Enter here if you are updating the product name.
Imported from Data Feed
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the tab a list of the stock information details that can be modified will appear.
Available Stock
Enter here if you are updating the units of stock available.
Minimum Quantity
Enter here if you are updating the minimum quantity of stock.
Supplier Location
Enter here if you are updating the supplier location.
'Pack Size
Enter here if you are updating the pack size of the stock record.
Stock Level Last Updated
This will display the date and time that the stock level was last updated. This will be given in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Manufactures SKU
Enter here if you are updating the manufactures SKU for the stock record.
Due Date
Enter here if you are updating the due date. This should be recorded in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Product Lead Time
Enter here if you are updating the product lead time. This should be recorded in days, in a whole number.
Stock Level Needs Updating
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Stock Condition
Enter here if you are updating the condition of the stock record.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the tab a list of the pricing information details that can be modified will appear.
VAT Rate
If you are updating the VAT rate for the stock record, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Cost Price
Enter here if you are updating the cost price of a stock record. This should be recorded to four decimal places.
Price Last Updated
This will display the last date and time that the price of the stock record was last updated. This will be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Price Needs Updating
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Supplier Specific
Under the tab a list of the supplier specific information that can be modified will appear.
Spicers Catalogue
Enter here if you are updating the Spicers Catalogue for the stock record.
Spicers Range
Enter here if you are updating the Spicers Range for the stock record.
'Spicers Group
Enter here if you are updating the Spicers Group for the stock record.
Boss Code
Enter here if you are updating the Boss Code for the stock record.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Data Matching
Under the tab a list of the data matching information that can be modified will appear.
Stock In The Channel ID
Enter here if you are updating the Stock In The Channel ID for the stock record.
OpenRange ID
Enter here if you are updating the OpenRange ID for the stock record.
OpenRange Matched
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Last Action
Enter here if you are updating the last action for the stock record.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Press the button to delete the price list entry.
Use this function with caution.
Under the tab a list of the returns, back orders and shorts management details that can be modified will appear.
Returns Priority
Enter here if you are updating the returns priority value.
1 is high, 10 is low.
Maximum days to return
Enter here if you are updating the maximum number of days to return. This value should be recorded a whole number.
Returns Email Address
Enter here if you are updating the returns email address.
Re-Stocking Fee
Enter here if you are updating the re-stocking fee. This should be recorded as a percentage, to two decimal places.
Auto-Email Returns on the following Days
Enter here if you are updating the auto-email returns on said days. Days should be input fully. Eg. Monday.
Multiple days should be separated by commas.
Return Company Name
Enter here if you are updating the return company name.
Return Address Line 1
Enter here if you are updating the first line of the return address.
Return Address Line 2
Enter here if you are updating the second line of the return address.
Note that not all addresses have a second line, so this can be left blank.
Return Town/City
Enter here if you are updating the return town or city.
Return County
Enter here if you are updating the return county.
Return Postal Code
Enter here if you are updating the return postal code.
Return Contact Name
Enter here if you are updating the return contact name.
Return Phone No
Enter here if you are updating the return phone number.
Return Delivery Method
If you are updating the return delivery method, select the appropriate option for the drop-down menu.
Email Address for Notification of Shorts
Enter here if you are updating the email address for the notification of shorts.
Email Address for Cancellation of Back Orders
Enter here if you are updating the email address for the cancellation of back orders.
Back Order Import Format
If you are updating the back order import format, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Reminder Contact Name
Enter here if you are updating the reminder contact name.
Reminder Email Address
Enter here if you are updating the reminder email address.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the tab a list of the customer categories details that can be modified will appear.
Customer categories
Suppliers will not be available for selection for categories where it is disabled.
Here you can update if the high priority customer is enabled, by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
New Order
To create a new order, click on the supplier name and select new order from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the Create Purchase Order section.
Import lines from CSV
This will give you the option to import purchase order lines.
To import purchase order lines from CSV the file needs to be in the following format: SKU, Quantity, Cost.
The Cost column is optional, if it isn't specified then it will use the current cost price from the Supplier Price List record.
You can either Our SKU or the Suppliers Reference in the SKU column to lookup by the their reference.
Once files have been selected press the button to import file, then press the
button to update or the
button to add product.
'Our SKU
Enter here the correct SKU.
Enter here the correct cost, to four decimal places.
Enter here the correct quantity.
Once completed press the button to update or the
button to add product.
Create Order
To create an order, a blank template will be displayed. Fill this in with the relevant information.
Order Comments
Enter here any comments to add to the order.
Order date
This will display the date at which the order has been created. This will be displayed in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Date Required
Enter here the date that the order will be required.
Our Reference
This will be automatic.
EDI Order
Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
In Progress
Untick this once you have finished the P/O.
Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
Ship Direct
Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
Order Cancelled
This will say no, as the order is in progress of being created.
Order Complete
This will say no, as the order is incomplete.
This will automatically calculate the total cost of the stock ordered.
Enter here the delivery charge. Enter this value to four decimal places.
Grand Total
This will be the subtotal + the delivery charge.
Import Date
This will be the date that purchase order lines have been imported. This will be given in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Due date
Enter here the date that the order is due.
Suppliers Reference
This should be set to automatic, but can be changed if needed.
Pick, Wrap and Label
Is this is selected the Ship Direct option must also be set, and an Order Number specified.
Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
Order Approved
Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
Order Number (For Directs)
Enter here the order number for direct orders.
Cancellation Reason
Enter here the reason if the order is being cancelled.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to create the order.
Price List
To view price list, click on the supplier name and select Pricelist from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the Supplier Price List section.
Instructions for this section have already been covered in the above section 3.6 Price List.
Order List
To view order list, click on the supplier name and select Order List from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the Purchase Order Management section.
Searching for Purchase Orders
To search for a purchase order a number of filters can be applied under the Filter Purchase Orders section.
P/O Ref
Enter here the purchase order reference you would like to filter by.
Enter here the supplier you would like to filter by, by selecting the appropriate option fro the drop-down menu.
'Supplier Ref
Enter here the supplier reference number you would like to filter by.
Select the order status you would like to filter by, by selecting the appropriate option from the drop down menu.
Select the order type you would like to filter by, by selecting the appropriate option from the drop down menu.
'Packaging Orders Only
Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
Once the appropriate filters have been applied press the button to search, and relevant results will appear below.
Purchase Order Results
The purchase order results have been filtered by the filters that have been specified above. If you think a purchase order is missing, try to reset the filters and begin again.
The purchase order results will have the following information given: Our Reference, Supplier Reference, Supplier, Order date/Time, Value (Ex VAT), Type and Status.
Pay Supplier
To pay a supplier , click on the supplier name and select Pay Supplier from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the Bank Accounts section.
Bank Accounts
Under the tab if there is an account associated with your selected supplier, it will show here.
The accounts results will have the following information: Account Code, Account Name, Current Balance, Active status, Currency and Action.
Payments & Receipts
Under the tab you will be able to allocate this payment to a particular Order or Invoice after creating it. If it is a Receipt from a Customer, or Payment to a Supplier, the value needs to be positive. If it is a Refund to a Customer or Refund from a Supplier, the value needs to be negative.
Bank Account
Enter here the appropriate account from the drop-down menu.
Transaction Date
Select the transaction date here.
Enter here the description of the payment.
Enter here the amount the payment will be. Enter this number to two decimal places.
Assign to Customer
Enter here if you are assigning the payment to a customer.
Remember if this is a RECEIPT from a customer the value needs to be POSITIVE. If this is a REFUND to a customer the value needs to be NEGATIVE.
OR Assign to Supplier
Enter here if you are assigning to a supplier. Select the supplier from the drop-down menu.
Remember if this is a PAYMENT to a supplier the value needs to be POSITIVE. If this is a REFUND from a supplier the value needs to be NEGATIVE.
Once details have been input correctly, press the button to submit the payment.
Under the tab you will be able to create a transfer between different bank accounts.
Enter here the description of the transfer.
Transfer Date
Enter here the transfer date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
From Bank
Select here the bank account you would like to transfer money from, from the drop-down menu.
Enter here the amount that you would like the transfer to be.
To Bank
Select here the bank account you would like to transfer money to.
Currency Amount
Enter here the currency amount if transferring between currency accounts.
New Accounts
Under the tab you will be able to create a new bank account.
Bank Name
Enter here the name of the bank that you would like to set up an account for.
Bank Code
Enter here the bank code for the account you would like to set up.
Account Number
Enter here the the account number for account you would like to set up.
Sort Code
Enter here the sort code of the account you would like to set up.
Enter here the BIC for the account you would like to set up.
Enter here the IBAN for the account you would like to set up.
Opening Balance
Enter here the opening balance for the account you would like to set up. Enter this value to two decimal places.
Opening Date
Enter here the date you would like to open the account as of.
Default Account
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Last Reconciled
This will show the date when the account was last reconciled.
Current Balance
This will show the current balance of the account.
Overdraft Limit
Enter here the over draft limit for the account you would like to set up.
Select from the drop-down menu the correct currency for the account you would like to set up.
Once details have been input correctly, press the button to save the new account.