System Settings

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Revision as of 11:27, 15 September 2021 by Sbenney (talk | contribs) (bold text added)
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Please Note
Modifying anything in this section without the required training / knowledge can cause irreparable damage to your system!

Fields we recommend changing to suit your requirements are as follows

  • address
    • The format of this is your Company Name followed by your address with commas separating each line.


  • This is the email address used for purchasing

Default Delivery Method

  • This is the default delivery method.

Delivery Note Recipient Emails

  • Recipients to be separated using commas to be told when orders have been released.

Customer Services Email Address

  • Set the email addressed used for templates and messages referencing the email address for Customer Services.

Credit Control Email Address

  • Set the email address used for templates and messages referencing the email address for Credit Control.

No-Reply Email Address

  • Set the email address used for templates and messages referencing the email address for No-Replies.

Licence Currency and Licence Currency Symbol

  • Your default Licence Currency and Symbol.

Pricing Decimal Places

  • The system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.

Stock Decimal Places

  • The system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.

Auto-Booking In Email Recipients

  • Enter the recipients to be emailed when orders are booked in automatically.

trade Customers allowed Special Offer Pricing

  • On for Yes, Off for No

trade Customers allowed Quantity Break Pricing.

  • On for Yes, Off for No

Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Group Discount

  • On for Yes, Off for No

Special Offers allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discounts

  • On for Yes, Off for No

group Discount allowed to be Reduced by Customer Discount.

  • On for Yes, Off for No

Email Case Reports to Customers

  • On for Yes, Off for No

Send Order Confirmations to Customers

  • On for Yes, Off for No

Invoice Email Address

  • Email to send Invoices "From"

Company Name Website Main website, as (no http/https)

  • Phone Number
  • Facebook URL
  • Twitter URL
  • Google+ URL
  • Returns URL
    • Returns URL, as (no http/https)

Returns Surcharge

  • Inclusive of VAT

Licence Delivery Address

    • The format of this is your Company Name followed by your address with commas separating each line.
  • Returns Email From
    • Email address to send returns from
  • Automatically Email Invoices
    • On for Yes, Off for No
  • Email(s) to send the daily Agent Report to.
    • Separated by Commas.
  • Email Order Confirmations Automatically
    • On for Yes, Off for No
  • Building Name
  • POS Receipt Header Message
    • Header Message to appear at the top of receipts (strict HTML allowed)
  • POS Message 1
    • Message 1 will appear at the designated template point on the POS receipt.
  • POS Message 2
    • Message 2 will appear at the designated template point on the POS receipt.
  • Password Expiry (Days)
    • Days in which to force operators to change their passwords.
  • Licence ISO Code
  • Licence Country
  • Licence Postcode
  • Licence Street Name
  • Licence Town
  • Licence County
  • Licence Locality (Address Line 2)
  • Stock Decimal Places to display in Customer Area
    • The system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.
  • Price Decimal Places to display in Customer Area
    • The system supports 0 to 4 decimal places.
  • Days in which to release orders.
    • Full Days separated by commas in order to release orders.
  • Days to automatically book-in supplier delivery notes.
    • Full Days separated by commas in order to book-in supplier delivery notes.
  • Returns Return Value Limit
    • This is the limit at which an order MUST be sent back to us through the returns system.
  • Returns Minimum Freepost Charge
    • This is the minimum re-stocking fee for a customer-fault return and providing them with a freepost label or collection.
  • Send Packing Report to these email addresses
    • Separate email addresses with a comma and make sure there are no spaces.
  • Send Case Reports to these email addresses.
    • Separate emails with commas and make sure there are no spaces.
  • PayPal Email Address
  • Auto-approve Invoices
    • On for yes, Off for No
  • Trade Email Address
    • Email Address for Generic Trade Orders.
  • VAT Number
  • VAT Description
    • Change this to either "VAT" or "GST" as per the description used in your Country.
  • Points System Active
    • On for Yes, Off for No
  • Points Expire After Days
    • Amount of Days (whole numbers)
  • Points per Value
    • Default 1.00
  • Points earnt per Value
    • Default 1 point
  • Points Value
    • Default 0.01 (1p)
  • Points Redeemed Ex VAT
    • On for Yes, Off for No
  • Points Earnt Ex VAT
    • On for Yes, Off for No
  • Referral Points to Earn
    • The amount of referral points to earn when hitting the spend (inc VAT) amount.
  • Referral Spend Threshold
    • Referral Spend Threshold required to hit in order to earn referral points.
  • Trade Accounts allowed Loyalty Points
    • On for Yes, Off for No
  • Authority to Leave Option Available on Delivery methods
    • On for Yes, Off for No