Address Management

From Skynet Software Wiki
Revision as of 14:37, 20 September 2021 by Sbenney (talk | contribs) (removed bullet points)
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List Addresses

  • The default view is the list of addresses and the relevant details.

Create New Address (and Edit an existing one)

Address Nickname
Here you can provide a nickname for the address, this will also be viewable on the website when the customer selects this address.

Default Contact for this Address
This field is required, and the address will not be shown to the customer on the website if this is not set.

Company Name
Enter the company name here, please note - this will not affect any exports for the customer if the name is different, or the main company record.

Various Address Details
Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Town/City (or Address Line 3 for Ireland systems), County (or Address Line 4 for Ireland systems), Postal Code and Country as required.

Fax and Phone Numbers
Only numbers can be entered here, any other information will be stripped from the field.

Default Delivery Address
Make this "Green" if this is the default delivery address. There can only be one.

Default Billing / Invoice Addresses
Make this "Green" if this is the default billing / invoice address. There can only be one.

Address Active
Make this "Green" to set the address as active.

Delete Address

This button will delete the address.

Return to Customer Details

This button will take you back to the customer details.