List Stock
This section will cover viewing and editing List Stock.
- 1 Searching for stock
- 2 Search by SKU / Name
- 3 Actions
- 4 Edit
- 5 Delete
- 6 Deliveries
- 7 SPL History
- 8 Transactions
- 9 Warehouse Lookup
Searching for stock
This is where you can search for stock using different filters. Filters do not need to be applied to find stock lists.
Assets Inclusion
Select Stock Only, Assets only, or All.
SKU (or part thereof)
Type part of a SKU or tick the button for only an exact match SKU.
Supplier SKU (or part thereof)
Type part of a supplier SKU or tick the button for only an exact match supplier SKU.
Select Stock, Tools, Unassigned or All.
Show Items That Are
Select In Stock Only, On Order Only, Back Order Only, Allocated Only, On Selling Hold or All.
Name (or part thereof)
Type the name or part of the name of a stock list.
Filter by Customer
Type the name of the customer.
Include Inactive Stock
Tick for yes or leave blank for no.
Stock Type
Select the type of stock you would like to filter by or select All for all stock types. Selecting None Set will automatically change to All.
Press the button to search with applied filters, then relevant stock list records will appear.
Search by SKU / Name
Use this search bar to search by exact SKU or stock name. Only stock lists with an exact match will appear if using this search bar.
Once relevant stock lists have appeared pressing the button will give you multiple options.
Selecting the Edit action will allow you to modify the stock record.
Under the heading a list of information for that stock record will appear.
Stock type
To change the type of stock select an option from the drop-down menu.
Enter here if you are updating SKU for the stock record.
Alternative SKU
Enter here if you are updating the alternative SKU for the stock record.
Amazon ASIN
Enter here if you are updating the Amazon ASIN for the stock record.
Update the name of the stock record here.
Weight (g) (per single impression)
This is where to update the weight on the stock record. This will be recorded in grams, to two decimal places. Leave blank if weight is in a different unit. Eg. pallet/ box/ unit.
Height (mm)
This is where to update the height on the stock record. This will be recorded in millimetres, to four decimal places.
Depth/Width (mm)
This is where to update the depth on width of the stock record. This will be recorded in millimetres, to four decimal places.
Length (mm)
This is where to update the length on the stock record. This will be recorded in millimetres, to four decimal places.
Is this product Dangerous or Hazardous?
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Override Delivery Method where this Stock Record is present to
Select option to update from the drop-down menu.
Measurement for Weight (if not g/kg)
Select the appropriate unit of measurement for the stock on record, from the drop-down menu.
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Product Group
Select the appropriate product group for the stock on record, from the drop-down menu.
Keep Active
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Selling Hold
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Reserved for Customer
If you are reserving stock, enter the name of the customer here.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of pricing information will appear.
VAT Rate
Select the appropriate VAT rate for the stock on record, from the drop-down menu.
Enter here if you are updating the RRP of the stock on record. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Retail Selling Price
Enter here if you are updating the Retail Selling Price of the stock on record. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Trade Selling Price
Enter here if you are updating the Trade Selling Price for the stock on record. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Exclude from Purchasing
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Amazon Price
Enter here if you are updating the Amazon Price for the stock on record. This will be recorded to two decimal places.
Molding Cost
Enter here if you are updating the Molding Cost for the stock on record. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Insert Cost
Enter here if you are updating the Insert Cost for the stock on record. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Labour Content
Enter here if you are updating the Labour Content for the stock on record.
Current Cost
Enter here if you are updating the Current Cost of the stock on record. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Safe Cost
Enter here if you are updating the Safe Cost of the stock on record. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Retail Cost Markup %
Enter here if you are updating the Retail Cost Markup of the stock on record. This will be recorded in a percentage, to four decimal places.
Trade Cost Markup %
Enter here if you are updating the Trade Cost Markup of the stock on record. This will be recorded in a percentage, to four decimal places.
Allow Group Discounts
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Allow Customer Discounts
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Allow All Users to Amend Cost Price
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock level details will appear.
Stock Levels
This is a summary of stock level information for the stock on record.
Stock Purchasing Options
This is where you can modify the stock purchasing options for the stock on record.
Re-Order Below
Enter here if you are updating the re-order below value for the stock on record. This will be recorded as a whole number.
Re-Order Quantity
Enter here if you are updating the re-order quantity value for the stock on record. This will be recorded as a whole number.
Send Stock Item Direct
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
This function may be turned on for larger items that will be dispatched from the supplier directly to the customer.
Send Direct if Orders contain more than this quantity
Enter here if you are updating the minimum quantity per order, that the stock on record should be sent directly to the customer.
This will be the minimum threshold for the stock on record, that will need to be met for each order, to be sent directly. Any quantities (per order) on or below this threshold will not be sent directly.
Stock Replenishment Options
This is where to update any stock replenishment options.
Replenish Below
Enter here if you are updating the minimum threshold value, for the stock on record, that needs to be met before replenishment happens.
Replenishment will not happen unless stock records fall below this value. Enter 0 to disable any automation.
Replenishment Quantity
Enter here if you are updating the replenishment quantity.
Enter 0 to disable any automation.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Stock Description (HTML allowed)
Enter here if you are updating the description of the stock on record.
Short Description
Enter here if you are updating the short description of the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the specification of the stock on record.
Stock Notes
Enter here if you are updating the stock notes of the stock on record.
Site Meta Title
Enter here if you are updating the site meta title of the stock on record.
Site Meta Description
Enter here if you are updating the site meta description of the stock on record.
Site Meta Keywords
Enter here if you are updating the site meta keywords of the stock on record.
Search Tags
Enter here if you are updating the search tags of the stock on record.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Select the appropriate website you would like to update details for.
Under the heading a list of details that can be modified will appear.
Active on Website
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Featured on External Website
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Display Priority on Website
Enter here if you are updating the prioroty number of the website.
The higher the number, the higher the priority.
Pricing on Sites
Enter here if you are updating the site, price, active or action details for the stock on record.
These rules only apply to Third-Party Sites, if you are using the Spitfire e-Commerce Site then it will use the internal pricing set on the system.
Press the button to submit any changes.
Assign to Site
Select the appropriate site from the drop down menu.
Price for Site (Inc Vat)
Enter here if you are updating the price for site, for the stock on record.
This price will be inclusive of VAT.
Press the button to update the product price to site.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of details that can be modified will appear.
Publish to Amazon
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of details that can be modified will appear.
Publish to eBay
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
eBay Set Price
Enter here if you are updating the price of the eBay set price.
Entering details here will override any options below.
eBay Uplift Price (£)
Enter here if you are updating the eBay Uplift Price. This will be recorded in £(GBP), to four decimal places.
eBay Uplift Percentage (%)
Enter here if you are updating the eBay Uplift Percentage. This will be recorded as a percentage, to four decimal places.
eBay Variation Group ID
Enter here if you are updating the eBay Variation Group ID.
eBay Variation Name 1
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation name 1.
eBay Variation Value 1
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation value 1.
eBay Variation Name 2
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation name 2.
eBay Variation Value 2
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation value 2.
eBay Variation Name 3
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation name 3.
eBay Variation Value 3
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation value 3.
eBay Variation Name 4
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation name 4.
eBay Variation Value 4
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation value 4.
eBay Variation Name 5
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation name 5.
eBay Variation Value 5
Enter here if you are updating the eBay variation value 5.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Spitfire EC
Under the heading a list of details that can be modified will appear.
Promote Stock Record
Select the appropriate site from the drop-down menu.
Promote Via
Select the appropriate area from the drop-down menu.
Tick for Yes or Leave blank for No.
Press the button once changes have been made, to create the promotion.
Assign to Site Categories
Select the appropriate category from the drop-down menu.
Press the button once changes have been made, to create the promotion.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Data Feed Details
This gives information regarding the Data Feed Details:
Sourceable from Supplies
Requested Data from Supplier
Currently Updating from Price Feed
Either or
will be selected.
Allow Back Orders even if Supplier not allowed
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
OpenRange ID
Enter here if you are updating the OpenRange ID for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the SITC ID for the stock on record.
Ignore SITC Data Matching
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Do Not Update Cost on Import
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Do Not Update Price on Import
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
VOW Reference
Enter here if you are updating the VOW reference for the stock on record.
JH Reference
Enter here if you are updating the JH reference for the stock on record.
EC Commodity
Enter here if you are updating the EC commodity for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the BOSS code for the stock on record.
Manufacturers SKU
Enter here if you are updating the manufactures SKU for the stock on record.
Spicers/OT Wholesale Specific
Enter here if you are updating any Spicers or OT Wholesale Specific information.
Enter here if you are updating the reference for the stock on record.
Alt Reference
Enter here if you are updating the alternative reference for the stock on record.
No Return Details
Enter here if you are updating the no return details for the stock on record.
Product Group
Enter here if you are updating the product group for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the matrix details for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the special details for the stock on record.
Product Range
Enter here if you are updating the product range for the stock on record.
Pack Size
Enter here if you are updating the pack size details for the stock on record. This will be recorded as a whole number.
Per Size
Enter here if you are updating the per size details for the stock on record.
Cat page
Enter here if you are updating the cat page for the stock on record.
Cat Item
Enter here if you are updating the cat page for the stock on record.
Pricing Letter
Enter here if you are updating the pricing letter for the stock on file.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Bill of Materials
Raw Materials: When entering a raw material record, the "quantity" field is the percentage of the total raw materials which applies to that material. i.e. For products with a single raw material, this will normally always be "100.00", for multiple materials, one could be "45.00" and one could be "55.00". This is usually reduced by the percentage of Masterbatch required.
Enter here the quantity or percentage of raw material required.
Enter here the type of raw material required.
Enter here the measurement required.
Enter here the appropriate SKU.
Enter here the appropriate description.
Enter here the appropriate action.
Once completed press the button.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Manufacturing Details
Box Quantity
Enter here if you are updating the box quantify details for the stock on record.
Bag Quantity
Enter here if you are updating the bag quantity details for the stock on record.
Cycle Time
Enter here if you are updating the cycle time. This will be record in seconds, as a whole number.
Scrap Percentage
Enter here if you are updating the scrap percentage for the stock on record. This will be recorded in n.nn, to two decimal places.
Sprue Weight Per Cavity
Enter here if you are updating the sprue weight per cavity for the stock on record. This will be recorded in grams, to four decimal places.
Enter here the appropriate details.
Enter here if you are updating the impressions or cavities details for the stock on record. This will be recorded as a whole number.
Enter here if you are updating the runner value for the stock on record.
Lead Time
Enter here if you are updating the lead time for the stock on record.
Select the appropriate tool from the drop-down menu.
Enter here if you are updating the colour for the stock on record.
Golden/Master Sample Location
Enter here if you are updating the golden or master sample location.
Job Type
Select the appropriate job type from the drop-down menu.
Second Op Details
Enter here if you are updating the second op details for the stock on record.
Change Insert/s Required
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
This Stock Record is assigned to the following machines
Please Note: Only one Machine can be set as the "Preferred" Machine and will appear on Job/Order Documents.
This will give details regarding the machine that the stock record is assigned to.
To add a machine type the machine details into the search bar and press the button.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Bin Locations
Default Stock Location
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Please Note: Bin Locations set to Bulk will be ignored during the order release.
Type here to update the reference details for the stock on record.
Type here to update the description of the stock on record.
Stock Level
This will provide the stock level of the stock on record.
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
For Delete select Red or for Print select Green
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Stock Attributes
This will show the stock attributes for the stock on record.
'Assign New Stock Attribute
This is where to assign new stock attributes.
Attribute Value
Enter here the appropriate attribute value for the stock on record.
Is This Attribute Value Active?
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Once completed press the button to assign stock attribute.
Once details have been correctly modified press the
button to save changes.
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Admin Details
Send Purchasing Notification on Oder Entry
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Special Order Item
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Restricted to Administrators only
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Restricted to Managers and above only
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Attach SKU to Delivery Notes
Type here to update the attach SKU to delivery notes details for the stock on record.
Attach Quantity of SKU to Delivery Notes
Enter here the value of SKU to attach to delivery notes. This will be recorded to four decimal places.
Label Printer
See Support
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Batch Details
Under the heading a list of stock details that can be modified will appear.
Search for the batch details using the search bar.
Batch ID
Enter here if you are updating the batch ID for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the bin for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the location for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the quantity for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the stage for the stock on record.
Enter here if you are updating the created details for the stock on record.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Supplier Pricing
Under the heading an option to create supplier price record will appear.
Create Supplier Price Record
To create a supplier price record press the button.
Remember to save any changes to the stock record first.
Main Details
Under the heading a list of supplier stock details that can be modified will appear.
Select the appropriate supplier form the drop-down menu.
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Supplier Reference/SKU
Enter here the appropriate supplier reference or SKU.
Our Reference/SKU
Enter here the appropriate reference or SKU. The stock record must already exist.
Product name
Enter here the appropriate product name.
Imported from Data Feed
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Under the heading a list of supplier stock details that can be modified will appear.
Stock In The Channel ID
Enter here the appropriate Stock In The Channel ID.
Available Stock
Enter here the number of stock available.
Minimum Quantity
Enter here the minimum quantity.
Supplier location
Enter here the supplier location.
Pack Size
Enter here the pack size.
Stock Level Last Updated
Enter here the date that the stock level was last updated.
Manufacturers SKU
Enter here the appropriate manufactures SKU.
Due Date
Enter here an appropriate due date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Product Lead Time
Enter here the product lead time. Enter this value in days.
Stock Level Needs Updating
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Stock Condition
Enter here the appropriate condition of the stock. Eg. New.
Under the heading a list of pricing details that can be modified will appear.
VAT Rate
Select the appropriate VAT rate from the drop-down menu.
Cost Price
Enter here the appropriate cost price.
Price Last Updated
This will display the date at which the price was last updated for the stock on record.
Price Needs Updating
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Supplier Specific Details
Under the heading a list of supplier specific details that can be modified will appear.
Spicers Catalogue
Enter here the appropriate Spicers catalogue details.
Spicers Range
Enter here the appropriate Spciers range details.
Spicers Group
Enter here the appropriate Spicers group details.
Boss Code
Enter here the appropriate Boss code details.
Data Matching
Under the heading a list of Data Feed Matching Details that can be modified will appear.
OpenRange ID
Enter here the correct OpenRange ID details.
OpenRange Matched
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Last Action
Enter here the appropriate last action details for the stock on record.
Once details have been correctly modified press the button to save changes.
Under the heading an option to add images to a stock record will appear.
Select Main Image
To add images to this Stock Record, please use the File Sharing section below and upload them in to the "images" folder. To remove any images, simply right click and delete the file.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Under the heading an option to add barcodes to a stock record will appear.
Enter here a new barcode or EAN to add the to stock record.
Once the barcode has been entered press the button to add the barcode to the stock record.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Special Pricing
Under the heading an option to add special offers to a stock record will appear.
Select the appropriate category from the drop-down menu.
Date From
Enter the date you would like the special offer to begin in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Date to
Enter the date you would like the special offer to end in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Enter here the price you would like the special offer to be. Enter this price to two decimal places.
Press the button to add the offer you have just created.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Qty Pricing
Under the heading an option to view the quantity break price or add a new quantity break price, for that stock record.
If there is an existing quantity break price associated with your specified stock record it will show here.
Add a New Quantity Break Price
Customer Categories
Select the appropriate category from the drop-down menu
Quantity From
Enter here the quantity from value.
Enter here the appropriate price, to four decimal places.
Uplift Percentage
Enter here the appropriate uplift percentage, to four decimal places.
Use Percentage from Stock Group
Tick for Yes or Leave blank for No.
Uplift Amount
Enter here the appropriate uplift amount, to four decimal places.
Once details have been input, press the button to add the quantity break price to the stock record.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Category Pricing
Under the heading an option to update the category pricing will appear.
Customer Category
Enter here the updated customer category.
Enter here the updated price, to four decimal places.
Override Automatic Calculation
Enter here the updated override automatic calculation.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Under the heading an option to view and update the stock reviews will appear.
If there is an existing review associated with your specified stock record it will show here.
Update Review
To update the review, select either the Customer, Review Stars, Review Text or Action and enter the updated details.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Under the heading an option to update assets will appear.
Is This An Asset
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Asset Serial Number
Enter here the updated asset serial number, for the stock on record.
Asset Year of Manufacture
Enter here the updates asset year of manufacture.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Under the heading an option to update the parts details will appear.
If there is a part associated with the selected stock record, it will show here.
Part Finder Details
Alternative/Linked Stock Item
Enter here the updated alternative or linked stock item.
Part Finder Matches
Assign to Model
Enter here the updated assign to model details.
Once details have been correctly input press the button to save changes.
Selecting the Delete action will allow you to delete the stock record.
This function is irreversible and must be used with extreme caution.
This will display the type of stock record.
Records Present
This will display the number of records present for each type of stock record.
This will display the deletion status of the stock record.
Note that some stock records are unable to be deleted. In this case, stock files are able to be archived.
Selecting the Deliveries action will allow you to view deliveries associated with the stock record you have selected.
If there is a delivery associated with the selected stock record, it will show here.
Filter Options
No filter option needs to be selected, however this will show all of the deliveries associated with the stock record.
'Generated From
Enter here the generated delivery start date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Generated To
Enter here the generated delivery end date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Order No
Enter here the order number you would like to filter by.
Stock Reference
Enter here the stock reference number you would like to filter by.
Enter here the customer details you would like to filter by.
Customer PO Reference
Enter here the Customer PO Reference you would like to filter by.
Enter here the OR DN Note Number you would like to filter by. If this filter is used, it will ignore any other selected filters.
Press the button to filter the deliveries associated with the stock file.
All relevant deliveries will now appear.
Deliveries can be sorted by Delivery ID, Order number, Name, Postal Code or (date) Created.
For the selected deliveries a number of changes can be made, by selecting the option from the drop-down menu. Eg. Produce a combined PDF.
Once changes have been selected, press the button to submit the changes.
SPL History
Selecting the SPL History action will allow you to view supplier price history for the stock record you have selected.
If there is a supplier price list history associated with the selected stock record, it will show here.
Supplier Price List History can be sorted by Date/Time, Supplier, Stock Available or Cost Price.
Selecting the Transactions action will allow you to view stock transaction history.
If there is stock transaction history associated with the selected stock file, it will show here.
Stock Transaction History can be sorted by Date/Time, Cost/Sale Value, Quantity, Operator, Source, Document, Reference, Details, Location, Bin, Batch Reference or Operator reason.
Warehouse Lookup
Selecting the Warehouse Lookup action will allow you to look up stock records for an exact match or partial SKU.
Produce and exact Match (SKU)
For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Enter SKU or Scan Barcode
Enter the SKU or scan a barcode of the stock record you would like to search for.
Note that if the Produce an exact Match is set to Yes or Green, only results for an exact match SKU or barcode will appear.
Press the button to look up the stock record you have specified.
An image for the stock record will appear, along with the name of the file under the heading maintain stock record.
Maintain Stock Record
Here there will be an option to view stock levels and stock details.
Stock Levels
This will show the location of the stock, the allocated bin details, number of units on hand and number of units allocated.
Stock Details
This will show the selling price, SKU, alternative SKU, free stock to be allocated, job cards outstanding, allocated to job cards, on order, purchase order, stock allocated to orders, delivery note produced, back orders, outstanding job cards and allocated to job cards.
Clicking on one of the buttons will take you to purchase order maintenance.