Process Adjustments

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Revision as of 09:40, 14 September 2021 by Bcroker (talk | contribs) (→‎Action)
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List Uncommitted Stock Adjustments

This is where you can process any Stock Adjustments onto Spitfire.

Click the Tick Box to Authorise them.


This is where you can see the SKU of the item.


This is the name of the item.

Stock Group

This is the Stock Group that the product is assigned to.


This is where the item is located in the Warehouse.


This is where the item is located in the Bins.


This is the Batch Reference of the adjustment or Goods In.

Current Bin Level

This is the current level of the stock in the Bin.


This is the amount of stock that is being added.

New Bin Level

This is the new level of the Stock in the Bin once the Stock has been adjusted.


This is the date of when the stock level has been done.


This is the name of the User on Spitfire making the change.


This is the name of the function used or file imported when doing the adjustment.

Operator Reason

This is the reason for the Stock Adjustment of the item.


This is the

Delete Button

which removes the Stock Adjustment that has been added.