Manage Rules

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Revision as of 16:39, 20 September 2021 by Sbenney (talk | contribs)
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List Rules

From here you can see the list of rules, the rule in place and the actions it takes.

Create New Rule (includes Editing)

Set to green if the rule is active.

Rule Name
Give the rule a brief (internal use) name.

Rule Field
Select the appropriate field to use for the rule.

Rule Context
Select the appropriate context to use for the rule.

Rule Value
Enter the value to use for the rule.

Set to "Green" to autorespond to customers when the case is created.

Autorespond Delay (Whole Minutes)
Enter a delay (in full minutes) to delay the autoresponse by.

Autorespond with Prefilled Message
Select the message to autorespond with.

Set Priority
Set the priority to automatically assign to the case.

Assign to User
Set the operator to automatically assign to the case.

Assign to Department
Set the department to automatically assign to the case.

Automatically Close Case
Set to "Green" to automatically close the case.

Do not email Case Report
Set to "Green" to not email the case to the customer on creation.

Delete Rule

This will delete the rule.