Hold Orders Filter

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Revision as of 14:57, 23 September 2021 by Natcroker (talk | contribs) (created new page - ~Button to be added)
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Hold orders filter

Here you can filter any order(s) to be put on hold.

Match fields

  • Here you can choose a field from the drop down menu - Phone number, email address or postal code.

Match on

  • Here you can choose a match on from the drop down menu - Exact match, field contains, field begins with or field ends with.

Match value

  • Here you can enter the match value.


  • Here you can enter details of the orders being put on hold.


  • Here you can choose if this is active or not.
  • Tick - Tick box to make active.
  • Blank - Leave blank if not active.

Once done click create filter.

Bottom section

Match field

  • Here will show the field you selected.

Match on

  • Here will show the match on you selected.

Match value

  • Here will show the match value you have entered.


  • Here will show any details that have been entered.


  • Here will show if it is active or not.


  • Here you can choose to either edit Orange-edit or delete Delete- the filter you have entered.