Stock Movement Report

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Select Customer Account

You can search the company name here.

Select SKU

You can search using the SKU or stock name (Or a bit of both sometimes works)

Date From

Select the date in the following format yyyy-mm-dd

Date To

Select the date in the following format yyyy-mm-dd so when selecting "1 Day"- Enter the same date in both From and To.

Include Packs

The master pack item is hidden by default so it will only show the child items, tick this to include packs as well.

Run Report


Once the report has been run, these are fields:

  • Date-this is the date/time.
  • SKU.
  • Order No- the 9 digit spitfire order number.
  • Issued quantity- The issue/delivered quantity.
  • Store
  • Bin location
  • Customer Account Reference- If there "tp_acno" is set during the import, it will be displayed here, of not it will be display the numeric Spitfire Customer ID.
  • Cost Price - Current cost price- might be an issues if running it historically, so might need to make it read cost price at the time of ordering - maybe a future thing. At the moment spitfire doesnt record the price of packed items only the main pack itself so will need some work doing.
  • Sell price - Selling price at the time of ordering- this will be 0.00 if it is a pack item as it wont hold the selling price against it.

There is a download CSV option after running the report
