Import Customer Pricing

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Revision as of 13:02, 7 October 2021 by Sbenney (talk | contribs) (info added)
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In This Section

Here you will be able to customise customers own pricing. Here Spitfire allows full customization of customers own pricing. You can use this feature to import them on mass.

The format of the file must be either a "txt" or "CSV" file in the following format:

"SKU", "price", "quote old price"

  • SKU (required)
  • Your SKU / Reference
  • Price (required)
  • Price for Customer (Excluding VAT/GST)
  • quote old price (optional)
  • Customers old Supplier Pricing for Comparison. This is used on Quotations to show Customers their savings if changing suppliers.
  • Browse
  • Browse your Computer for the relevant Text/CSV file.
  • Please Select Customer
  • You can search by Customer (Company) Name here.

Remember, when saving from Excel, it must be a basic CSV file, sometimes Excel adds funny characters at the beginning/end of the file, and you will be greeted with several errors saying no fields are found if this is the case.

If you would like us to check your file, please email it to