How to create a Customer Order

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How To Create A Customer Order

STEP 1- Billing.
Invoicing Details Here you will enter First Name
Postal Code
Company Name
Telephone Number
Contact / Email to send Order Confirmation To
Alternatively, enter a new Email Address (This Email Address will be saved to the Customer Record
Quote Expiry (Only Required if you are creating a Quote)

STEP 2 -Delivery
Delivery Details
Details are identical to the Billing Section Green
Copy Details from Billing Section- Turn the slider to Green
First Name
Postal Code
Company Name
Telephone Number
Save as New Delivery Address- Turn the slider to Green if you wish to save the new delivery address.>br /> Send Delivery Notifications To- Use the email address to send the delivery notification to.
Alternatively, enter a new Email Address- You can enter a new email here.
Delivery Method- Select from the drop down menu.
Do Not Override Delivery Method- Turn the slider to Green if you would like the delivery paperwork to be plain.

STEP 3- Order Items
Search Product by SKU- Here you enter the SKU if you no it, or you can type in the product you require.
Search Customers Own Stock- Here you can search your own stock.
Add Quantity- Please Enter the QTY you require.
Import lines from CSV - here you can import products from the CSV file (CSV file must be "SKU", "Quantity" and "Price". The first line will be ignored.)
In the box this is where you can edit the unit price and QTY, all the other boxes you can change due to you requirements that you need
Select Discount to Apply - Here you can select the type of discount the customer can have.
Delivery Charge - This is the amount you can charge the customer.
Grand Total - This is the grand total including VAT.
Order Weight - This is the total weight of the whole order.

STEP 4 - Details
Order Details
Private Order Comments (These comments will not be visible to the customer) - In this box you can enter any private details or comments only people who have access to Spitfire can see the private comments.
Public Order Comments (These comments will be displayed on the Order Acknowledgement and also the Customers Delivery Notes) - Here you can write any comments all comments will be printed on the delivery note and order.
Order Method - From the drop down menu please select how the order was placed.