How to create a Case

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STEP 1 - Customer Details

Customer - Type in the customer name here and select the correct name from the drop down menu that will appear.
Search by Order Number - If you know the order number then type it in here.
Contact You will be able to assign a contact once the Case has been created.
Email Customer a Report on every Update (Doesn't apply if the Case is private) - Slide the slider to Green if you would like the customer to have a copy of the report though email.
Send Customer Initial Case Report - Slide the Green if you would like to send the initial case report to the customer.
Private - Slide the slider to Green anyone from Spitfire can see this but customer cannot see this.
Assigned To - This is a drop down menu selected the person that needs to deal with this particular case.
Department - This is a drop down menu select the correct department the case needs to be assigned to.

STEP 2 - Case Details
Title - Give the case a title.
Initial Description (Part A) - This is where you can write the initial description of the problem make it a detailed as you possible can.
Priority - This is where you select the priority level to which you feel is appropriate.
Type - This is what category you need to put it under (I.E. part finder/accounts/point of sale).
Status - This is the status of the case. weather it is active in progress select the correct tab for this case.