How to create a Purchase Order
Our SKU - Enter your SKU here and click add product.
Supplier SKU - This will list the supplier SKU.
Product - This will state what the product is that you are purchasing.
Cost - This will state the cost of the product that you have entered.
Qty - Enter the quantity you require.
Line Due Date - This is when you tell your supplier when you would like the products.
Order Comments - This is where you can enter any comments you wish to add to the order.
Order Date - This is the date that you order your products.
Date Required - This is the date that you would want your products delivered.
Our Reference - This is our reference for your order.
EDI Order Tick this box to send the order electronically.
In Progress - If you have finished your order then please untick this box to continue with the order.
Ship Direct Tick this box if you wish your order to be shipped direct.
Subtotal This is the order total excluding VAT.
Delivery This is the total delivery cost for the order.
Grand Total This is the total for the whole order including shipping and VAT.
Due Date - If the order has the item you can enter the due date here this will show on the job card and on the orderboard.
Suppliers Reference - This is the Supplier Reference.
Pick, Wrap and Label - If this is selected, the Ship Direct option must also be set, and an Order No specified.
Order Approved - This is to let you know if the order has been approved.
Then click update
For any more information please follow the wiki Create / Edit Purchase Order