My Dashboard

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Depending on your access level and system setup, you will see a combination of the following widgets:

Todays Deliveries

  • Main Value: This is how many deliveries have been scanned today, excluding Direct Deliveries and Van Route Deliveries.
  • Directs: This is how many deliveries have been sent via Direct Delivery (to Suppliers) today.
  • Van: This is how many deliveries have been scanned today for the Van Routes.

O/S Deliveries (Outstanding Deliveries)

  • Main Value: This is how many deliveries that have been printed ready for picking/packing.
  • Queued: This is how many deliveries which have been produced but not yet printed.
  • Details: This link takes you to the Delivery Monitor to show the Outstanding (including Queued) Deliveries.

Orders This Month

  • Main Value: This value is the "Sub-total" of all orders plus total "Delivery", less the total "Discount".
  • Total Orders: This value is the amount of orders which aren't on hold for any reason, haven't been converted back to a quotation and haven't been cancelled.
  • Avg (Average) Value: This is the "Main Value" divided by the "Total Orders" value.
  • Profit: This value is the "Main Value" above, reduced by the "Total Cost" and "Total Delivery Cost". Please note that this value will fluctuate as the delivery cost is not determined until shipment, this value also doesn't include any relevant commissions paid (i.e. card fees or Amazon/eBay fees).

Total Cases

Note: This is referred to as "NCRs" if you are using a Manufacturing System.

  • Main Value: Total Outstanding Cases/NCRs (this includes In Progress Cases)
    • Clicking this value takes you to the Case/NCR Monitor to view the outstanding Cases/NCRs.
  • In Progress: Total Cases/NCRs currently set as In Progress.
  • Outstanding: Total Cases/NCRs outstanding (excludes In Progress cases).
  • Completed Today: Total Cases/NCRs completed today.

(My) Orders Waiting Payment

Note: If you do not have Administrator access, this value will be restricted to your own orders. This will also change to "My Orders Waiting Payment".

  • Main Value: Total Value of Orders calculated as Sub-total plus Delivery less Discount.
  • Total Orders: Total Number of Orders requiring Payment.
    • Clicking this value takes you to the list of orders currently requiring payment before they are released.
  • Profit: Total Profit of Orders requiring Payment.
  • Margin: Margin between Main Value and Profit.

Orders On Hold

Note: These are orders which are on "System / Manual Hold" only, not any other reason.

  • Main Value: Total Value of Orders calculated as "Sub-total", plus "Delivery", less "Discount".
  • Total Orders: Total Number of Orders On Hold.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the list of orders currently on hold.
  • Profit: Total Profit of Orders on Hold.
  • Margin: Margin between Main Value and Profit.

Negative Margin Hold

Note: These are orders which are on "Negative Hold" only, not any other reason. A Negative order is when the "Cost" of the order is less than the "Sub-Total" and therefore you will make a loss on the order. These are sometimes due to product costs increasing from the customers order to purchasing, high discounts and customers using a large amount of loyalty points (if setup) at once.

  • Main Value: Total Value of Orders calculated as "Sub-total", plus "Delivery", less "Discount".
  • Total Orders: Total Number of Orders On Hold.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the list of orders currently on hold.
  • Profit: Total Profit of Orders on Hold.
  • Margin: Margin between Main Value and Profit.

Incomplete Address Hold

Note: These are orders which are on "Incomplete Address Hold" only, not any other reason. Incomplete Addresses are instances where Customers have not provided either a Forename/Surname for both Invoice and Delivery Address or the address is missing the "First Line" on either the Invoice or Delivery Address. These instances will cause errors and fail any attempt at obtaining a shipment label from most couriers, so they are put on hold to correct them as soon as the system knows about them.

  • Main Value: Total Value of Orders calculated as "Sub-total", plus "Delivery", less "Discount".
  • Total Orders: Total Number of Orders On Hold.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the list of orders currently on hold.
  • Profit: Total Profit of Orders on Hold.
  • Margin: Margin between Main Value and Profit.

Amazon Hold

Note: These are orders which are on "Amazon Hold" only, not any other reason. Amazon Hold are orders which have not yet been dispatched but have passed Amazons "Delivery By" date and therefore your account would be at-risk of having automatic A-Z claims filed against you which cannot be won.

  • Main Value: Total Value of Orders calculated as "Sub-total", plus "Delivery", less "Discount".
  • Total Orders: Total Number of Orders On Hold.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the list of orders currently on hold.
  • Profit: Total Profit of Orders on Hold.
  • Margin: Margin between Main Value and Profit.

Min Order Hold

Note: These are orders which are on "Minimum Order Hold" only, not any other reason. This occurs when a Customer has a "Minimum Order" limit set, and the order hasn't reached that value.

  • Main Value: Total Value of Orders calculated as "Sub-total", plus "Delivery", less "Discount".
  • Total Orders: Total Number of Orders On Hold.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the list of orders currently on hold.
  • Profit: Total Profit of Orders on Hold.
  • Margin: Margin between Main Value and Profit.

Orders On Credit Hold

Note: These are orders which are on "Credit Hold" only, not any other reason. This occurs when the Customers' account has been placed on Credit Hold for any reason.

  • Main Value: Total Value of Orders calculated as "Sub-total", plus "Delivery", less "Discount".
  • Total Orders: Total Number of Orders On Hold.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the list of orders currently on hold.
  • Profit: Total Profit of Orders on Hold.
  • Margin: Margin between Main Value and Profit.

Outstanding Lines

  • Main Value: The value of all outstanding lines (Excluding VAT/GST).
  • Total Orders: The number of all orders currently outstanding.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the list of outstanding orders.

Invoiced This Month

  • Main Value: This is the total (Excluding VAT/GST) of approved invoices raised this month (reduced by credits).
  • Total Invoices: This is the total number of approved invoices raised this month (increased by credits).

Outstanding Quotes

  • Main Value: The total value of quotes currently outstanding on the system (excludes cancelled/converted quotes), this is calculated by "Sub-total", plus "Delivery" less "Discount".
  • Total Quotes: The total number of quotes currently outstanding on the system (excludes cancelled/converted quotes).
  • Avg (Average) Quote: This is the Main Value divided by Total Quotes.
  • Margin: This is the percentage calculated between the "Main Value" and "Total Profit" values on Quotes.

P/Os for Approval

  • Main Value: Total number of Purchase Orders awaiting Approval.
  • Details: This link takes you to the list of Purchase Orders awaiting approval.

Outstanding P/Os

  • Main Value: Total number of Purchase Orders outstanding (not complete). This value excludes unapproved purchase orders.
  • Details: Clicking this takes you to the Purchase Monitor to see outstanding Purchase Orders.

Special Orders

Note: Any orders on hold for any reason are excluded from this calculation.

  • Main Value: Total Value of outstanding orders marked as "Special Orders" calculated by "Sub-total", plus "Delivery" less "Discount".
  • Total Orders: Total Number of outstanding orders marked as "Special Orders".
    • Clicking this will take you to the list of outstanding special orders.
  • Profit: Total Profit from these orders.
  • Margin: The margin calculation between "Main Value" and "Profit".

Todays Call Backs

Note: This is calculated for your call backs only, not company-wide.

  • Main Value: Total Call Backs Due and Overdue.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the due/overdue Call Back list.
  • Overdue: Total Call Backs Overdue.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the overdue Call Back list.
  • Not Set: Total Customers assigned to you with no Call Back set.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the customers with no Call Back set.
  • Future: Total Customers assigned to you with a Future Call Back set.
    • Clicking this value will take you to the Future Call Back list.

My Target

Note: This section is only displayed if the user has a target set for the current month.

  • Main Value: Your target for the current month.
  • Target Left: Total target less Total Orders (calculated by Sub-total, plus Delivery, less Discount and less any Returns this month)
  • Days Left: Calculated by reducing this months "Working Days" by the "Current Working Days".
  • Target Per Day: This is calculated by the "Target Left" divided by "Days Left".

My Orders Today

  • Main Value: Total value of orders (Sub-total, plus Delivery, less Discount) reduced by any Returns created today.
  • Orders: Total number of Orders raised today (excludes Quotations and any orders on hold for any reason)
  • Returns: Total number of Returns raised today.
  • Avg (Average) Order: This is "Main Value" divided by "Total Orders".
  • Margin: This is the margin between "Main Value" and "Total Profit" for todays orders.

My Orders This Month

  • Main Value: Total value of orders (Sub-total, plus Delivery, less Discount) reduced by any Returns created this month.
  • Orders: Total number of Orders raised this month (excludes Quotations and any orders on hold for any reason)
  • Returns: Total number of Returns raised this month.
  • Avg (Average) Order: This is "Main Value" divided by "Total Orders".
  • Margin: This is the margin between "Main Value" and "Total Profit" for this months orders.

My Outstanding Lines

  • Main Value: Total value of orders outstanding (Sub-total, plus Delivery, less Discount).
  • Total Orders: Total number of Orders outstanding.
  • Details: Clicking this will take you to your current outstanding orders.

My Outstanding Quotes

My Cases

Open Shopping Carts (one per Spitfire e-Commerce Site Setup)