List Stock

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This section will cover viewing and editing List Stock.

Searching for stock

This is where you can search for stock using different filters. Filters do not need to be applied to find stock lists.

Assets Inclusion
Select Stock Only, Assets only, or All.

SKU (or part thereof)
Type part of a SKU or tick the Exact match Button button for only an exact match SKU.

Supplier SKU (or part thereof)
Type part of a supplier SKU or tick the Exact match Button button for only an exact match supplier SKU.

Select Stock, Tools, Unassigned or All.

Show Items That Are
Select In Stock Only, On Order Only, Back Order Only, Allocated Only, On Selling Hold or All.

Name (or part thereof)
Type the name or part of the name of a stock list.

Filter by Customer
Type the name of the customer.

Include Inactive Stock
Tick for yes or leave blank for no.

Stock Type
Select the type of stock you would like to filter by or select All for all stock types. Selecting None Set will automatically change to All.
Press the Search filter Button button to search with applied filters, then relevant stock list records will appear.

Search by SKU / Name

Use this search bar to search by exact SKU or stock name. Only stock lists with an exact match will appear if using this search bar.


Once relevant stock lists have appeared pressing the Actions Button button will give you multiple options.




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