Shopping List
Shopping List
This section will cover viewing and creating purchase orders.
Viewing Purchase Orders
Once you arrive on the Shopping List page, you will be able to search for purchase orders by applying filters.
Ignore Stock On Hand
Tick here if you would like to ignore stock on hand levels. Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
Ignore Re-Order Levels
Tick here if you would like to ignore the re-order levels. Tick for Yes or leave blank
for No.
Required in the next X days
Enter here the number of days you would like to search by. To show all future requirements, enter 0 in the required days field.
Enter here the supplier you would like to search by, by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. This field is required to create an order.
Press the button to search for results according to the filters specified above.
The purchase orders that appear have been filtered by the filters specified above. The following details will be given: SKU/Description, Qty Required, In Stock, PO Outstanding, This Order, Earliest Date Required, Latest Date Required, Future Requirement and Purchase.
Create Purchase Order
To create a purchase order that has been filtered by the supplier specified above, Tick in the Purchase column for each SKU/Description that you would like to create a purchase order for.
Press the button to create the purchase order.