Created Orders List
This page will cover how to view created order lists by operator, on Spitfire.
To navigate to the correct page on Spitfire, press the Sales Order heading and then the Created Orders Lists tab.
Once you have arrived at this page you will be able to search for created order lists, by specific operators, using the given filter options.
To search by operator select the appropriate operator from the drop-down menu.
To search by a specific date to report, select the appropriate date from the pop-up calendar. If no date has been selected it will automatically assume you would like to use today's date.
Once you are happy with the information to filter by, press the button to search.
Your search results will have the following information given: Customer Number, Customer Name, Order Number, Order Date, Value(Ex VAT), Profit(Ex VAT), Profit %, Status, Order Group, and Account Manager.
There will also be a separate table with the following information: total number of Orders and Credits, Total Value of Orders and Credits, Total Profit of Orders and Credits, and Total Profit % of Orders and Credits.