Create a Customer Account

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Revision as of 00:40, 28 July 2020 by Mlloyd (talk | contribs) (Added an image)
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This page will explain how to create a Customer's Account on Spitfire.

The process is split up into 5 steps.

Step 1 - Account and Billing Details

This is where you will enter the customer's Account and Billing Details.

Do Not Call Customer
Set this to green if you want to have a message displayed that informs the team not to call the customer.

Customer Declines Mailshots
Set this to green if you do not want the system to send the customer sales e-mails.

Customer Status
You can choose what Status the customer will have when the account is created:

Prospect will make the customer not show on a search unless the search options are set to find prospect accounts, while Current accounts will show on a normal customer search.

Customer Category
This allows you to choose what Category the customer can be applied to. For example, they can be marked as a sales or a trade customer.

NCR Catchall Domain
Any e-mails matching the domain typed into this entry will be diverted to this customer.

Put the customer's title, eg: Mr, Mrs, Miss, etc here. Can be left blank.

Forename Required
Put the customer's first name here.

Middle Name
Put the customer's middle name here. Can be left blank.

Surname Required
Put the customer's last name here.

Parent Company
Put a customer's parent company here if required. Can be left blank.

Company Name
Put the customer's company name here. This is what will show on customer searches and at the top of a customer account's page.

Postal Code Required
Put the customer's Post Code here.

Address Line 1 Required
Put the customer's first line of their address here.

Address Line 2
Put the customer's 2nd line of their address here. Can be left blank.

Town/City Required
Put the customer's town or city here.

Put the customer's county here. Can be left blank.

Choose the customer's country from the drop down box.

Phone Number
Put the customer's phone or mobile number here. Can be left blank.

Fax Number
Put the customer's fax number here. Can be left blank.

Website Address
Put the address of the customer's website here. Can be left blank.

Email Address Required Put the customer's e-mail address here. The system will send updates, invoices and other important information to this email address.

c Next Button

Step 2