How to create a Customer Account

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How To Create A Customer

This is an explanation of how to create a basic customer on spitfire systems.

STEP 1 - Account and Billing Details

The custom account number is not required here
If the customer does not want to be called then make sure the slider is switched to Red
If the customer does not want to be contacted through email then make sure the slider is on Green
Customer Status - select if the customer is active or prospect.
Forename - Please enter the customer first name.
Middle Name - This is optional you do not have to enter these.
Surname - Please enter the customer surname here.
Postal Code - This is the customer postal address
Address Line - Please enter the customer address here in the next couple of lines.
Email Address - Please enter your customer email address here.

STEP 2 - Customer Delivery Details

Use same details as Billing Address if the customer wishes to use the same address slide to Green.
Email Delivery Note PDF with Invoices if the customer wishes to have a pdf delivered to the email. slide to Green
Forename - Please enter the customer first name.
Middle Name - This is optional you do not have to enter these.
Surname please - Enter the customer surname here.
Postal Code - This is the customer postal address
Address Line - Please enter the customer address here in the next couple of lines.
Email Address - Please enter your customer email address here.
Phone Number - Please enter the telephone number the wish to use.
If they have fax enter their fax number.

STEP 3 - Ordering and Administration Details

Account Manager - Please select the name of the person you wish to allocate the customer to unless they state who they want.
Account Notes - Please write any notes down to do with the account here.

STEP 4 - Credit Control Details

Terms (days) - If you offer credit terms to a customer you can specify terms here
Terms Option - Select from the drop-down menu how your customer would like the invoice.
Prefer Invoice by Post - slide the slider to green if they wish to have it by post.
Apply For Credit - Slide the slider to green if they wish to have credit.
Credit Allowed - slide the slider to green if they are allowed credit.
Credit Limit - This is where you can type the amount of credit the customer is allowed.
If you want to put trade references down you would enter them in the boxes below.

STEP 5 - Customer Pricing

Minimum Order Value - This is the minimum order value.
Default Currency - Select the currency required this is set at Great British Pound (GBP)
Once all this is done you can click Finish=.