Create / Edit Purchase Order

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In This Section

In this section, it will show you how to create a single purchase order with one supplier.

Enter your SKU here.

Supplier SKU
This is the Supplier's SKU. Skynet will fill this in automatically from the Stock Record.

Skynet systems will then recognise this SKU code and this will be filled in automaticity.

Leave this blank, Skynet will fill this in from the Stock Record.

This drop-down menu allows you to see how much stock you have sold over the last 12 months. It also allows you to see how much you have spent.

Enter the quantity you would like to order from the supplier.

Bin location
This will display the default BIN location for this stock.

This allows you to see the outstanding total comes to minus VAT

Suppliers Stock
This allows you to see how much stock the supplier has in stock.

Our free stock
This shows you how much you have in stock minus any outstanding orders

Back orders
Backorders allow you to see any backorder the suppliers have from out of stock items.

On order
This allows you to see if any stock is on order and due to be delivered.

Line Required
This allows you to choose a selected date that you require a particular item by a certain date.

This allows you to delete the entire line if you decide you no longer require this product.

Click Update to add the item to the PO.

Skynet will then fill in information from the Stock Record to the other columns.

If you wish to add further items to the PO, click Add Product.

Order Comments
Within this box you can add comments, these will be shown on the PO Order PDF that is sent to the supplier.

Order Date
This is automatically filled in for you as it will be the current day you start your order.

Date Required
Here you can select the date that you require the PO to be delivered.

Our reference
This is automatically generated.

EDI Order
If the supplier is set up to accept EDI POs and this is set up in Skynet, the PO will automatically be sent to the supplier for you.

In Progress:(untick this once you have finished the P/O)
Untick this box when you have finished creating the PO, Skynet will then process it for you.

Ship Direct
This allows you to get a shipment sent directly to your customer if this box is ticked.

Order Cancelled
This allows you to see if you have cancelled the order.

Order Complete
This allows you to see if the order is completed.

Order Subtotal
This allows you to see the order subtotal for the particular line Ex VAT.

This lets you see your delivery charge for the whole order.

Grand Total
This allows you to see the whole total cost including delivery and VAT.

Import Date
This allows you to see when it is imported.

Due Date
This allows you to see when your order will be delivered.

Suppliers Reference:
This is automictically generated from the supplier at the time of the order.

Pick, Wrap and Label
If the supplier supports this, tick this box to request that they pick, wrap and label the order.

Order Approved
Once you're happy that all the items that need to be ordered have been entered, the quantities and amounts are correct, tick this box.

Order Number (Directs)
This allows the supplier to generate an order number for you this will be done automatically.

Cancellation Reasons.
This allows you to see if the PO has been cancelled and for what reason.

Once you have filled in all the sections and confirmed that everything is correct, click Create