Sales/Purchase Codes

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In This Section

This is where you can setup any Sales or Purchase Codes to be used throughout the system and edit any codes.

Create New Code (and Edit existing code)

Create New Code
Here you can specify the code to use, for those used to Sage, this is a code like 4000, 5000, etc.

Specify the description to be used throughout the system here.

Use for Sales
Tick this box to use this code for Sales.

Use for Purchases
Tick this box to use this code for Purchases.

Tick this box to make the code active.

Tick this box to make this code the default (one default available for Sales and Purchases).

Xero Code
This is a xero accounting code.

Once you've entered all of the correct information, click Create

Click Edit to Edit that entry.
Click Delete to Delete that entry.

List Codes

The table below the Creation (or Edit) fields will list all of the current codes setup with the ability to "Edit" or "Delete" them.