Skynet Software Wiki:GitEye

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This page explains how to install GitEye and how to Clone the current version of Skynet onto your PC from BitBucket. This will allow you to upload any changes you have made to BitBucket which (once authorised by Nathan Croker) will then be uploaded and applied to the Skynet Codebase.

Download and install GitEye & Java

Download GitEye from here.

It will download as a ZIP Archive file. Extract the whole archive to a folder called GitEye on your PC. We suggest C:\GitEye. Do not extract it to your Documents/Download/Desktop folder.

Before running GitEye, you need to install:

Download Java from here.

Install it using the installer. Once done, you can then run GitEye.

Getting access to BitBucket

Speak to Nathan Croker about getting access to Genisys' BitBucket account. You should have a Trello account, so you'll be able to use the same login details.

Once done you will get an e-mail with the subject "[Bitbucket] You have been given read access to ncroker/spitfire-ams".

Click View repository and it will add the Repository to your account.

Setting up GitEye so you can Clone the Repository

Creating SSH Key

  1. On the BitBucket website:
    1. click the button at the very bottom left which should state "Your Profile and Settings" when you mouseover it
    2. Click "Personal Settings" under "SETTINGS"
    3. Click "SSH keys" under "SECURITY"
  2. On your PC:
    1. Open the Start Menu
    2. Type "cmd" and press Enter
    3. In the Command Prompt window, type "ssh-keygen" and press Enter
    4. Press Enter to save the SSH Key to the default location
    5. Press Enter twice to skip adding a passphrase, the SSH Key will be created
    6. Open the Folder "C:\Users\<username>\.ssh"
    7. Right click "" and click "Edit with Notepad++"
    8. Highlight and copy everything except the skynet-spitfire\<username>@<username> bit at the end
  3. Go back to the BitBucket website:
    1. Click "Add key"
    2. Give the key a Label
    3. Paste the copied text into the "Key" box and click "Add key" - you'll get an e-mail to confirm this
    4. Click "Repositories" on the left hand side
    5. Click "Spitfire AMS"
    6. Click the "Clone" button at the top right hand corner
    7. Make sure the box at the top right says "SSH", if it says "HTTPS" click on it and choose "SSH"
    8. Click the "Copy" button to the right of the text box
  4. Back on your PC:
    1. On the Command Prompt window, type "ssh -T"
    2. After a short wait it should show "logged in as <username>" and "You can use git to connect to Bitbucket. Shell access is disabled"

Setting up GitEye

On GitEye:

  1. Click the "Window" toolbar, then click Preferences
  2. Double click "General" so it expands then double click "Network Connections" so it expands then click "SSH2"
    1. General tab:
    2. Ensure that "SSH2 Home" shows as C:\Users\<username>\.ssh
    3. Ensure that "Private Keys" shows as "id_dsa,id_rsa"
    4. Click "Apply" (not Apply and Close)
    5. Authentication Methods tab:
    6. Click "password" (ensure it stays ticked) and click the "Up" button until it is at the top of the list
    7. Click "Apply" then click "Apply and Close"
  3. Click "Clone Repository" then double click "Clone URI"
  4. Paste the text from the BitBucket website into the "URI" box - GitEye will fill in the other boxes for you - leave the password box blank then click "Next"
  5. Untick "develop" as this isn't used and click "Next"
  6. Check the "Destination Directory" is correct and accessible - ensure it's not on the server
  7. Click "Clone submodules" then click "Finish"

GitEye will then download a clone of the Repository to your PC. This will take a short while, as at the time of writing this Wiki Entry, the size of it was 684MB, consisting of 15,704 files inside 1,342 folders.

Using GitEye

To be completed by Matt Lloyd at a later date.