Export All Customers

From Skynet Software Wiki
Revision as of 14:41, 15 September 2021 by Sbenney (talk | contribs) (added bold text)
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This section allows you to export the selected customers to a CSV file for manipulation in Excel.

Last Ordered From

  • Use the date selection to select a date for ordered from, or leave blank to show all dates.

Last Ordered To

  • Use the date selection to select a date for ordered to, or leave blank to show all dates.

Total Spend Greater/equal than

  • Limit to customers who have spent this amount or more.

Largest Order Greater/equal than

  • Limit to customers who have an order greater than or equal to this amount.

Total Orders Equals

  • Limit to customers who have this amount of orders. Leave at zero to ignore.

Total Orders Greater/equal than

  • Limit to customers who have this amount of orders or more.

Total Returns Greater/equal than

  • Limit to customers who have this amount of returns or more.