Export All Customers

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In This Section

This section allows you to export the selected customers to a CSV file for manipulation in Excel.

Last Ordered From
Use the date selection to select a date for ordered from, or leave blank to show all dates. yyyy-mm-dd

Last Ordered To
Use the date selection to select a date for ordered to, or leave blank to show all dates. yyyy-mm-dd

Total Spend Greater/equal than
Limit to customers who have spent this amount or more.

Largest Order Greater/equal than
Limit to customers who have an order greater than or equal to this amount.

Total Orders Equals
Limit to customers who have this amount of orders. Leave at zero to ignore.

Total Orders Greater/equal than
Limit to customers who have this amount of orders or more.

Total Returns Greater/equal than
Limit to customers who have this amount of returns or more.

Then click run reportRun=