Import Addresses

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Revision as of 14:50, 15 September 2021 by Sbenney (talk | contribs) (added bold text)
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Import Customer Addresses From CSV

Customer ID (or company Name)

  • If you know the Customer ID, specify it here, otherwise please enter the "Company Name" exactly as it appears on the customer account.

Delivery Company Name

  • This is Optional

Phone Number

  • This is optional

Address line 1

  • Required this a must.

Address line 2

  • This is Optional


  • This is Optional


  • This is Optional.

Address Line 5

  • (only for IE systems) Optional


  • This is Optional

Fax Number

  • This is Optional


  • This is Optional yes 1 no or 0. Default will be yes

Default Delivery Address

  • This is Optional yes 1 no or 0. Default will be yes

Default Invoice Address

  • This is Optional yes 1 no or 0. Default will be yes

Assigned contact

  • This is Required. Full name of the customer contact on the account (Forename and Surname) only

Address Name

  • This is Optional

Select File to upload