Import Addresses

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In This Section

Here you will be able to import the company's name and address.

Import Customer Addresses From CSV

Customer ID (or company Name)
If you know the Customer ID, specify it here, otherwise please enter the "Company Name" exactly as it appears on the customer account.

Delivery Company Name
This is Optional.

Phone Number
This is optional.

Address line 1
Required this a must.

Address line 2
This is Optional.

This is Optional.

This is Optional.

Address Line 5
(only for IE systems) Optional.

This is Optional.

Fax Number
This is Optional.

This is Optional yes 1 no or 0, Default will be yes.

Default Delivery Address
This is Optional yes 1 no or 0, Default will be yes.

Default Invoice Address
This is Optional yes 1 no or 0, Default will be yes.

Assigned contact
This is Required. Full name of the customer contact on the account (Forename and Surname) only.

Address Name
This is Optional.

Select File to upload. Then press CSV.