List Customers

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Revision as of 18:54, 7 February 2021 by Ncroker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This section allows you to list customers using various filters. == Actions Button == This button allows you to create a "New Customer" or "Create Case". == New Order / Quot...")
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This section allows you to list customers using various filters.

Actions Button

This button allows you to create a "New Customer" or "Create Case".

New Order / Quote Button

This button will take you to the new Order / Quote section.

Filters Available

Account Manager
Here you can limit the search results to the specified account manager.
Lead Generator
Here you can limit the search results to the specified lead generator.
Account Status
Here you can limit the search results to customers with a specific account status.
Here you can limit the search results to customers in a specific category.
Search Sage Shortname
If your system is linked to Sage, here you can specify part/all of a Sage Shortname to search by.
Search Email Address
You can search a full or part email address here. e.g. "" will bring up all customers with that email address.
Search Surname
You can search a full or part Surname here.
Search Postal Code
You can search a full or part Postcode here. e.g. "TA" will bring up all customers in the TA postcode.
Search Phone No
You can search a full or part Phone Number here. e.g. "01823" will bring up all customers with the area code 01823.
Customer ID
If you know the Customer ID, specify it here.
Site Customer ID
If you know the Customer ID associated with Amazon, eBay etc., specify it here.

Customer List

Once you have entered the filter options, you will be presented with a list of customers and the ability to search amongst them using the "Search" box on the top right of the table.