Bank Accounts

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The following tabs are available:


In this section

This section will list the various accounts and names, their current balances, currency and the option to "Edit" or view the "Bank Transactions" and any action needed.

Payments & Receipts

This section allows you to record the payment or receipt to/from the bank account.

  • Bank Account,
  • Transaction Date,
  • Description,
  • Amount,
  • Assign to Customer.
  • Or Assign to Supplier,



This section allows you to record a transfer between different accounts.

  • Description,
  • Transfer Date,
  • From Bank,
  • Amount,
  • To Bank,
  • Currency Amount (If Transferring between Currency accounts),


New Account

This section allows you to setup a new account.

  • Bank Name,
  • Bank Code,
  • Account Number,
  • Sort code,
  • BIC,
  • IBAN,
  • Opening Balance,
  • Opening Date,
  • Default Account,
  • Active,
  • Last reconciled N/A,
  • Current Balance,
  • Overdraft Limit,
  • Currency,

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