Cases Report

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For Manufacturing systems, this is referred to as the "NCR Report".
In this section you will be able to run a case report from/to, this will then bring up a report of what cases have been closed, by which operator and when.

Criteria Available

These options are "inclusive" of the dates.

Date From
Enter the "Date From" in the format of yyyy-mm-dd, you can also click in the field and select from the date selection.

Date To
Enter the "Date To" in the format of yyyy-mm-dd, you can also click in the field and select from the date selection.

After Running

This is the place held by each operator in order of Cases Closed, the "System" is not placed in this view.

The operators name.

Cases Closed
The amount of cases this operator closed for the selected period.

% Cases Closed
The percentage of cases closed by this operator for the selected period.

Avg Closure Time
The average time it takes for the operator to close these cases.

First Closed Case
The date/time of the first closed case for this operator.

Last Closed Case
The date/time of the last closed case for this operator.

Oldest Case
The oldest case closed by this operator.

Avg Response Creation Time
The average time it takes for this operator to write a response to a case.

Total Responses
The total number of responses the operator has done in the selected period.

Avg First Response Time
The average first response time for the operator in the selected period.

Report Footer

Cases Created
Total number of cases created overall.

Cases Closed
Total number of cases closed overall.

Avg Closure Time
Average Closure Time for the selected period.

Avg First Response Time
Average First Response Time for the selected period.

Report Download

Once the report has been run, there is the option to download it and tweak it in Microsoft Excel as you choose.