Courier Claims Report

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This section will cover how to view and download Courier Claims Reports.

Viewing Courier Claims Report

Once you arrive on the Courier Claims Report page there will be a number of filters that can be applied in order to search for a specific returns report.

Group Results By
If you would like the reports to be allocated into groups, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.

Filter Results By
If you would like to apply filters to your search, please complete one or more of the following filter options.

Lost or Damaged
Select here if you would like to filter by Lost or Damaged, by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.

Claims Submitted From
Select here the date that you would like to filter from, by selecting the date from the pop-up calendar.

Claims Submitted To
Select here the date that you would like to filter to, by selecting the date from the pop-up calendar. Leave blank if you do not want to apply any dates.

Last Tracking Details
Select here if you would like to filter by the last racking details, by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.

Press the Run-report.PNG button to search for courier claims reports that match the specified filters.

The courier claims reports that will be displayed will have the following information available: Delivery ID, Brand Name, Tracking No, Order No, Customer Name, Postcode , DOR Letter Date, Comments, Total Value, Category, Description, Total Carriage Charge, Lost or Damages, Claim Date, Last Tracking, Raised By and Return ID.

There will also be a summary of Total Claims, Total Value and Total Carriage beneath the relevant courier claims reports.

Download Courier Claims Report

To download the courier claims reports that match the filters that have been specified above, press the Download-csv-green.PNG button and this will give the option to save an Excel file with all of the information available.