Create New Return

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Create New Return

Press the Create new retun Button button to create a new return and you will be redirected to the Returns Management page.

Original Order No
Enter here the original order number of the return that you would like to create.

This will display the customer name.

Replacement Order No
Enter here the replacement order number.

Re-stocking Fee
Enter here the re-stocking fee, including VAT. This should be recorded in your specified currency, to two decimal places.

Private Comments
Enter here the private comments associated with the return. If this raises a Courier Claim,these comments will be put on the claims spreadsheet.

Public Comments
Enter here the public comments associated with the return. These comments will appear on any replacement documentation to the customer.

Valid Until
Enter here the date the return will be valid until.

Return Status
This will display the return status of the order.

Return Statements
Depending on the reasons for the return, you will need to confirm one or more of the following options, not all statements will apply to all returns. Confirm the relevant statements by ticking the box. Tick Tick Button to confirm all appropriate statements.

Once details have been input correctly, press the Create return Button button to create the return.