Customer Product Group Report

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In This Section

This page will cover how to generate and download Customer Orders by Product Group Report on Spitfire.
To arrive on the correct page, press the Sales Orders heading, then select the Customer Product Group Report tab.

Generate Report

To generate a report, you will have the option to apply a number of filters, to narrow the results.

Select Product Group
Select the product group you would like to filter by, by selecting from the drop-down menu. This option does not have to be used, however, this will generate search results for all product groups.

Select Customer Category
Select the customer category you would like to filter by, by selecting from the drop-down menu. This option also does not have to be used, however, this will generate search results for all customer categories.

Above Lifetime Order Value
Select here the above lifetime order value that you would like to filter by. Enter this value to two decimal places. Again, this option does not have to be used, however, a value of 0.00 will be assumed.

Not Ordered Since/Has Order Since
Select from the drop-down menu either Not Ordered Since or Has Ordered Since from the drop-down menu. You will then be able to enter a date to apply to this option.

Enter here the date that you would like to apply to the previous option of Not Ordered Since/Has Ordered Since. Enter this date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, or select a date from the pop-up calendar.

Once all details have been input correctly, press the Run-report.PNG button to generate the report.

Download Report

Once the report has been generated, press the Report-generated.PNG button to download the report as an Excel File.
The Excel file will have the following information given: Customer ID, Company Name, Contact Name, Postal Code, Phone Number, Email Address, Lifetime Spend, Last Order Date, Last Order No, Account manager, and Customer Group.