Customer Returns Report

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In This Section

This is where you can print of any order returns reports.

Group Results By

This is where you can select which Report you would like to run.

Filter Results By


Return Raised From

This is the date the Return was Raised on the System.

Return Status

This will provide you with a Status of the Return that has been raised.

Return Reason

This will provide you with a Reason for the Return.

Return Action

This will show all Returns that are either being returned back to us or not.


This is where the SKU of the item will go.

Return Raised To

This is the Expiry Date of the Return.


This is the name of the Customer.

Return Type

This is either a Refund or an Exchange.

Stock Action

This is where the Stock is back to the Supplier, Stock in the Warehouse or if the item is being Disposed of.

Then click Run Report at the bottom of the page.