Import Stock

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Import Stock

In This Section

This section will cover how to import stock from CSV files.

Existing Supplier Stock Files

Once you arrive on the Import Supplier Stock page, all of the existing supplier stock files will be displayed, with the following information: Field Name, Details, Format/Value and Max Length.

Import Supplier Stock

At the bottom of the page, the following options will appear:

Create Stock Records if they do not exist
For Yes select Green Green Button or for No select RedRed Button.

Do not update records if they exist
For Yes select Green Green Button or for No select RedRed Button.

This is where to select the relevant supplier stock file from your PC.

Import CSV File
Press the Import csv file Button button to import the CSV file.
Note that depending on the amount of stock records in your file, this may take several minutes to run. Once you click Import CSV File please allow it to complete as pressing it multiple times will add several requests to the queue and take longer to generate.