Job Cards

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In This Section

This section allows you to view and edit all Job Cards within Spitfire.

Filters Available

Include Completed Jobs
Set this to "Green" to include completed job cards.

Include Cancelled Jobs
Set this to "Green" to include cancelled job cards.

Filter by Stock Reference
Search by SKU or Stock Name to filter here.

Filter by Customer
Search by the Customers' Company Name to filter here.

Show Job Cards created in the last x days
Default is 30 days.

OR Lookup by Job No
Alternatively, you can enter the Job Number here and it'll ignore all other filters.

List Job Cards

Clicking this option will take you to the customer's order to view/edit it.

Stock Item
Clicking this option will take you to the Stock Record to view/edit it.

Tick this option to either use the "Bulk Download Selected Job Cards" or "Send Selected Job Cards to Printer" at the bottom of the page.

Bulk Download Selected Job Cards
This will produce a PDF for you to download of the selected job cards.

Send Selected Job Cards to Printer
If your system is setup with automatic printing, selecting this option will send them to the printer for you.

Job Card Actions

This option will take you to a section that allows you to manually change the "Quantity Required".

View PDF
This option will generate a PDF of the Job Card for you to download.

If your system is setup for automatic printing, this will send the job card to the relevant printer.

Print Labels
This option will take you to a page to specify how many Job Card Labels to produce labels for. It will then produce a PDF for you to print them to a Laser Printer manually.

This option will cancel the job card.

Mark Complete
This option allows you to specify the quantity complete (which will then increase the stock) and allow you to finalise the job card if you wish.