Manage Imports

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In This Section

This is where you can manage all imports within Spitfire, and create new imports.

List Imports

From here you can list the Case/NCR imports and see if it is currently active.

Create New Import (included Editing)

Email Address
Email Address used to send case reports from.

IMAP Server
Use the format: {}INBOX

IMAP Port, default is 993, also make sure you amend the IMAP Server above.

SMTP Server
Use the format:

SMTP Port, default is 25.

Username to use for both IMAP and SMTP servers.

Password to use for both IMAP and SMTP servers.

HTML Template
Default is case_report.html - only change if you have a bespoke template created by Support.

Text Template
Default is case_report.txt - only change if you have a bespoke template created by Support.

Assign Cases to Department
Assign cases to this department once they have been created.

Set to green if this import is active.

Set to green if this is the default import.

Delete Import

This will delete the import, but leave all Cases/NCRs/etc. in-tact.