Order Groups
In This Section
This page will provide an overview of how to view, edit, delete and create order groups on Spitfire.
To arrive on the correct page, press the Sales Orders heading, then select the Order Groups tab.
View Order Groups
When you arrive on the Order groups page, all of the current order groups will be displayed.
The following information about each group will also be displayed: Group Name, Active, Default, Retail Orders, Default for Web Orders and Action.
Edit Order Groups
To edit an order group, press the button, under the Action section. Here you will be able to edit the following details:
Group Name
Enter here if you would like to update the name of the group.
Edit the active status for the group here. For Active select Green or for Not Active select Red
Default Group
Edit the default group status here. For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Group is for Retail Orders
Edit if the group is for retail orders here. For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Used for Web Orders
Edit if the group is used for web orders here. For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Order Confirmation Message
Edit the order confirmation message here. This message will be displayed at the bottom of the order confirmation PDF.
Once the details have been updated, press the button to save changes.
Delete Order Groups
To delete an order group, press the button, under the Action section. Use this function with caution. It may be best to edit the group to make it inactive, rather than to delete it.
Create New Order Group
To create a new order group, press the button. Here you will be able to input the following details:
Group Name
Enter here the name of the group you would like to create.
Select here if you would like the group to be active. For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Default Group
Select here if you would like this group to be the default group. For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Group is for Retail Orders
Select here if you would like this group to be used for retail orders. For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Used for Web Orders
Select here if you would like to use the group for web orders. For Yes select Green or for No select Red
Order Confirmation Message
Enter here the confirmation message for this group. This message will be displayed at the bottom of the order confirmation PDF.
Once details have been input correctly press the button to save the group.
List Group
There will also be the option to return back to the Order Groups page, where all of the groups will be displayed, by pressing the button.