Payment Methods

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In This Section

This section will list the different payment methods and how to set them up.

List Payment Methods

The default view on this section is the payment method list, it displays all of the relevant details of all payment methods setup on the system.

Create New Methods (and Edit an Existing one)

Details Tab

Method Type
Select the appropriate type for the payment method being created.

Method Name
Enter the "Name" to use for the payment method, this is used internally.

Put Orders on Hold Over this Value
If you wish to put orders on hold automatically over a certain value, enter it here.

Default Status for New Orders
Default is "Released", but for things like "Cheque" or "Cash," you may wish to put them "On Hold" first.

Make this option "Green" to activate the payment method.

Default Method
Make this option "Green" if this is going to be the default payment method.

SagePay MOTO Payment Method
If this is going to be used as the SagePay MOTO method, make this "Green".

Available during Point of Sale
If you would like this method available during the Point of Sale screen, make this "Green".

Associated Bank Account
To auto-create bank transactions, select the bank to associate this payment with.

Associated with Site
Select the "Site" to associate this payment with, or leave it as "--- Select Site ---" if it's only going to be used in the back office.

Site Description
Enter the description to be displayed to customers on the website. If you are setting up a method for Amazon, enter "Other" here.

PayPal / eWay Tab

Please Note: Some SagePay and eWay options are set here as well!

Email Address
Enter your PayPal email address here.

API Type
Unless advised by support, select "Signature".

API Username / Key
Your API Username as specified by PayPal/SagePay, this is not your email address. If setting up eWay, this is the "API Key"

API Password
Your API Password as specified by PayPal/SagePay/eWay, this is not your account password.

Sandbox Mode Active
During testing, set this to "Green", but remember to set it to "Red" when going live! This is also used for eWay.

API Action
Unless advised by support, select "Sale" for PayPal and "Authorisation" for SagePay.

Transfer Cart Lines to PayPal
Make this "Green" transfer cart lines to PayPal, this is the default action.

Allow Guest Checkout
Make this "Green" allow guest checkout on PayPal, this is the default action.

Internal Test Mode
Only make this "Green" if advised by support.

Getting Details from PayPal

1. Log in to the Developer Dashboard with your PayPal account. (You may need to agree to some stuff here) - URL is
2. Under the DASHBOARD menu, select My Apps & Credentials.
3. Make sure you're on the Sandbox tab to get the API credentials you'll use while you're developing code. After you test and before you go live, switch to the Live tab to get live credentials.
4. Under the App Name column, select Default Application, which PayPal creates with a new Developer Dashboard account. Select Create App if you don't see the default app.
5. Click on the "Live" tab and "Create App", call it whatever you like, ideally something related to your website name.
6. Back to the list and click the app you've just created, you will see "PayPal Account", "Client ID" and "Secret" here, these are the details required for the above settings.
Please contact support if you need assistance.

Getting Details from eWay

Please contact your eWay account manager to obtain the relevant API Details required for the settings in this section.

SagePay Tab

Vendor ID
Enter your Vendor ID provided by SagePay here.

API Type
Unless advised by Support, specify "Form" here.

API Action
Unless advised by Support, specify "Authorise and Capture" here.

API Mode
You can specify "Test" here whilst testing the payments, but make sure you change it to "Live" before your website goes public.

Description passed to API
As advised by SagePay.

AVS/CV2 Option
Select the appropriate option here as advised by SagePay.

3D Secure Option
select the appropriate option here as advised by SagePay.

Timeout Message
Unless advised by SagePay, default is 30.

Verify Peer
Unless advised by SagePay, set this to "Red".

Internal Test Mode
Only make this "Green" if advised by support.

Xero Tab

Map to Bank Account
If your system is linked to Xero, select the bank account to map it against here.

Delete Payment Method

This option is available from the "List Payment Methods" and will permanently delete the payment method.

Please Note: Payment Methods cannot be deleted if the orders or payments are assigned to them. These must be changed before deleting the payment method.