Sales Units by Product Group Report

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This page will provide an overview of how to search and download sales units by product group reports on Skynet.
To navigate to the correct page on Skynet press the Sales Order heading, and then select the Sales Units By Product Group Report tab.


To search for sales unit by product group report, you can use three different filters to narrow your search results:

Select Product Groups
To select a specific product group, select from the drop-down menu.

Months to Report
Type here the number of months you would like to search by. Your search results will include the current month, as 1 month.

Top Products per Group
Enter here the number of products per group that you would like to display. Enter 0 if you would like to display all products.

Once all the filter details have been input correctly, press the Run-report.PNG button to search and generate a report.

Download Report

Once your report has run, press the Report-generated.PNG button to download the report as an Excel file.
The Excel file will have the following information: Product Group, SKU, Product Name, and Date.