Site Maintenance

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In This Section

This section allows multiple sites/marketplaces to be setup and controlled by the system. The following sections are related to the drop-down menus available on this page.

New Site





From here you can create and modify categories on the website, this only applied to Spitfire e-Commerce Websites.

Create Categories from Stock Groups


Create or Edit a Category

You can either select the "Create Category" button at the top right or click the Category Name / ID in the list and "Edit" on a current category.

The main options are
  1. Category Name
  2. Font Awesome Class
    • This uses the "Font Awesome" icons available to produce an icon next to the name in the category structure.
  3. Top Level Background Image URL
    • Details TBC. Refer to Support.
  4. Top Level Background Image Extra Style
    • Details TBC. Refer to Support.
  5. Category Meta Description
  6. Category Meta Keywords
  7. Category Meta Title
  8. Parent Category
    • This Category will become a Sub-Category of its Parent Category.
  9. Associated Product Group
    • Products in this "Product Group" will be displayed under this Category.
  10. Category Active
    • Green for Active, Red for Inactive.
  11. Default Category
    • Details TBC. Refer to Support.
  12. Featured Category
    • If your Spitfire e-Commerce site has a Featured Category section on the Homepage, setting this to Green will display it there.
  13. Display in Footer Links
    • Green to display the category in the links at the footer of every page on the Website.
  14. Hide from Navigation
    • Green to hide the category from the top navigation bar.
  15. Small Category Image
    • When Categories are displayed in a list, this image will be used in the listing. By default, the website attempts to grab a random product image from the category.
  16. Remove Small Category Image
    • Green to remove any small category image setup. However, the website will attempt to grab a random product image from the category next time it is navigated to on the website.
  17. Display on Homepage
    • If your Spitfire e-Commerce site has a Featured Products section on the Homepage, setting this to Green will display it there.
  18. Category Banner
    • When a customer navigates to a category with a product listing, this image/banner will be displayed at the top of the page.
  19. Remove Category Banner
    • Green to remove any category banner currently setup.
  20. Override Product View
    • Ability to override the default view (List or Grid)
  21. Override Product Sort
    • Ability to override the default sort options (Anything other than "Site Default" or "Default" will ignore any options set against the Stock Records for the Display Order)
Other options include
  • Category URLs
    • One is automatically created when a Category is created, but you can create more from here.
    • See Site Maintenance -> URLs
  • Delete (Category)

Adding Stock to a Category

This is covered under the Stock Section of the User Guide.





Fix Orders



If you are visiting this section directly from Site Maintenance, the list will take a long time to load depending on how many products, categories and pages you have - as they all have a URL. To shorten the time, load it directly from the Pages or Categories listing instead.

Options Available
  1. Site URL
    • Make sure you have the trailing forward slash, otherwise, it will not work.
  2. Page
    • You can select the page to link to from this list.
  3. Product / Stock Record
    • You can search for a Stock Record from this list, SKU/Name/etc. will all work.
  4. Site Category
    • You can select a category to link to from this list.
  5. Page Active
    • Green for active, Red to disable the URL.
Other options include
  1. Edit (same options as above)
  2. Delete (deletes the URL)
Rules/Criteria in place during the customer experience
  • Products - if a URL is not set, it will use /products/ID.
  • Categories - if a URL is not set, it will use /categories/ID.
  • Pages - if a URL is not set, any link referenced to that page will fail.