Stock List

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In This Section

This is where you can see what stock is available on your premises.

Print Orderboard

This option will produce a PDF of the Orderboard for you to Download and/or Print.

Print Stock List

This option will produce a PDF of the Stock List for you to Download and/or Print.

Print Tool List

This option will produce a PDF of the Tool List for you to Download and/or Print.

Download Stock List (CSV)

This option will produce a CSV file of the Stock List for you to Download and manipulate in Microsoft Excel.

Download Stock List (Excel)

This option will produce an XLS file of the Stock List for you to Download and manipulate in Microsoft Excel.

Show/Hide Tools

This will show (or hide) tools from the list below.

Stock Listing

Your SKU

This will take you to View / Edit the relevant stock record.

Edit (E button)

This will take you to View / Edit the relevant stock record.

Delete (X button)

This will delete the relevant stock record.