Supplier Back Orders

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Back Orders

This section will cover supplier backorder reports.


To search for a specific supplier backorder report you can filter by a number of options.

Select Supplier
Select from the drop-down menu the supplier you would like to filter by. Leave blank if you do not want to filet by the supplier.

Show Alternative Suppliers
Tick Tick Button for Yes or leave blank Blank Button for No.

Show Customer Orders
Tick Tick Button for Yes or leave blank Blank Button for No.

Select the date from, that you would like to filter by. Select the date from the pop-up calendar.

Select the date to, that you would like to filter by. Select the date from the pop-up calendar.

Press the show back order Button button to apply filters and search for results.

Supplier Back Order Report

The supplier backorder results have been filtered by the filters that have been specified above. If you think a supplier backorder is missing, try to reset the filters and begin again.
The supplier back order results have the following information given: Supplier, PO Reference, Order Date, Supplier Reference, Our SKU, Description, Ord, Del, O/S, Due Date and the option to Cancel the back order report.

To cancel a back order report select the report by Ticking Tick Button for Yes or leave blank Blank Button for No.
Then press the Cancel po lines Button button to cancel the select lines.