Supplier RMA Report

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This page will cover how to create and download a supplier RMA report.


To search for a supplier RMA report there will be a number of filters that can be applied to your search results.

Enter here the date that you would like to filter from, by selecting the appropriate date from the pop-up calendar. This can be left blank if you do not wish to specify a date.

Enter here the date that you would like to filter to, by selecting the appropriate date from the pop-up calendar. This can also be left blank if you do not wish to specify a date.

If you would like to filter by a specific supplier, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.

Press the Run-report.PNG button to run the report according to your specified filters.


The results that appear will have the following information displayed: Supplier, Supplier RMA, Our RMA, Value (Exc VAT), Items, Return Request Date, Supplier Accepted, Return Sent Date, Tracking No, Email RMAs and PDF.

Email RMA Report

To email, the RMA report, press the Email-rmas.PNG button and the report will be emailed to the email address of the account that is logged into Spitfire.

Download RMA Report

To download the RMA report as an Excel file, press Download-csv.PNG the button to begin the download.